Chapter Three: The Clarence News

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1 September 2014

The Duke and Duchess of Clarence are very pleased to announce that the Duchess of Clarence is expecting their first child.

The Queen and members of both families are delighted with the news.

Household of the Duke and Duchess of Clarence


Balmoral Castle

"How are you feeling?" Queen Elizabeth asked staring at Adeline, the news of her pregnancy had been more than welcomed and another reason for the family to celebrate. 

Adeline's baby would be her fifth great grandchild after Savannah, Isla, George and Mia; it was always wonderful to welcome another member of the family. 

There were also whispers that Adeline's baby wouldn't be the only baby born into the family next year, although she hadn't heard any confirmation as of yet if the whispers were true. 

Catherine and William would tell her when they were ready, the first pregnancy hadn't been easy on Catherine and there wasn't much hope that she wouldn't suffer going forward. 

"I've been okay, the morning sickness has eased up a little and the doctor says everything looks good with my results," Adeline replied with a smile, she had been so thankful that her morning sickness hadn't been too bad, nothing like Catherine had suffered.

She was fifteen weeks along now, her baby was the size of an apple right now; the doctor said that the baby should be able to hear them by the end of this week. 

It was all very exciting and Adeline loved finding out all these little details about how her baby was growing; she had every reason to be excited about this pregnancy. 

Simon had been nothing short of wonderful since she had told him, he was eager to attend every appointment with her and had been pushing for York House and Barnwell Manor to be completed before the baby arrived. 

It was important that they had a place that they could retire to once the baby was born, away from the prying eyes of the public like William and Catherine had done when George had been born and they had retreated to Anmer Hall for the first few weeks of his life. 

"Your father seems very excited about all this, his second grandchild and all that," Queen Elizabeth stated knowing that Charles was very excited at the news that Adeline was expecting. 

It was not surprise really especially considering that she and Philip had speculated that Adeline was his favourite afterall, even if he did try his best not to let such things show in how he treated each of his children. 

"Not that I can blame him, I still remember the day that I was told that your mother was pregnant with you," Queen Elizabeth stated with a fond smile, she had out a lot of hope on Adeline back then to fix her parents crumbling marriage.

Alas it wasn't meant to be, Queen Elizabeth wished that she had been able to stand up to her mother then; to tell her that an arranged marriage would never have worked out but the damage was done and many people had been hurt by it. 

Despite being Queen, Elizabeth had often found it rather difficult to stand up to her own mother; the late Queen Mother had been a forced to recon with until her dying breath. 

It was only after her death that things seemed to have calmed down and settled for the Windsors and had paved the way for the future that was now unfolding before them. 

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