Chapter Five: The Invictus Games

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10th of September 2014 - Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

"Why are we doing this again?" Simon murmured taking Adeline's hand as they moved towards their seats, it was a lovely day and he could think of many things that he would rather be doing today than doing this. 

It wasn't that he had anything against the event itself, but more against the person that had founded the Games and would also be in attendance today. 

"Because despite everything, Harry is still my brother and I would like some sort of peace between us before our little one is born," Adeline replied simply, she would have come alone if Simon hadn't insisted on coming with her. 

Attending the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games was her offering out an olive branch to her wayward brother, she had no desire for infighting with him when she had other things to focus on. 

The Invictus Games had been funded by the Royal Foundation which had been started back in 2009 between the three Wales children; adding both Catherine and Simon as patrons after they had both married into the family.

"Yes. A brother that looks decidedly unhappy in all wedding pictures that we have of him and has yet to even say anything to either of us about the pregnancy," Simon muttered with a shake of his head. 

He wasn't trying to upset Adeline, he was more than wary about being around his former friend who had done little to help heal the rift between them. 

Simon was all for putting the past behind them, moving towards a brighter future but that couldn't happen if he and Adeline were the only ones willing to work on their relationship with Harry. 

He had to meet them half way if he wanted to put the past behind them, there was a lot of hurts between the three but there had been more than enough time for them all to move forward. 

Adeline rolled her eyes, plastering a smile on her face as she spotted her brother and tugged Simon along behind her as she made her approach. 

There had been a conscious effort on Adeline's part to conceal her baby bump as much as she could for this event not wishing to steal the focus from Harry on his big day. 

"You came," Harry greeted with a smile upon his face, he had worried that no one was going to make it to his event. 

William had passed on his apologises since Catherine was till rather unwell at this moment in time and didn't want to leave the apartment and William didn't want to leave her alone.

"Of course, congratulations," Adeline stated with a smile, she was willing to play nice if he was and she hoped that this could be the start of them putting the past behind her; she missed having both her brothers to turn to. 

The last few years had been hard on her relationship with Harry and she wanted to believe that it wasn't impossible to repair it if both of them were willing to put in the work to fix it.

Harry beamed at her and pressed a kiss to her cheek before moving to wrap Simon in a hug, he was so happy that they could come and he knew that everyone in the family had reached out to him today to wish him the best of luck. 

"I am so happy you are here, come meet everyone," Harry insisted signalling for the two of them to follow him, he had been so nervous about all of this. 

There was so much going on right now and he had put actual effort in to this, he knew how much lay on this event being a success; he was building something that was going to outlive him and make a difference in so many people's lives. 

Adeline and Simon followed after Harry, both of them knowing how much this event meant to the middle Wales child especially since he would be the last of them to get married. 

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