Chapter Thirty-Two: Difficult Conversations

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7th of September 2017 - Kensington Palace

Tucking some hair behind her ear, Adeline entered the Cambridge home knowing that Catherine had an engagement that day and the children would be out of the house. 

Her stomach was a mess and she'd barely been able to stomach breakfast with her family considering what was going to be happening today. 

William and her would be speaking with Harry about their concerns about Meghan, neither of them looking forward to the discussion that was about to take place. 

There was no telling how Harry would react when they talked to him, they didn't want to upset him or bring him down just express their concerns in all of this especially considering his talk about wanting to marry Meghan. 

It was no surprise to Adeline that Harry was already seated in the kitchen when she arrived, happily chatting away with William as their elder brother prepared some lunch and Harry seemed to be in good spirits. 

Conversation was kept light and easy as they caught up with one another, the three siblings enjoying lunch before they moved the conversation into the living room. 

"We need to talk," William said once they were all settled, he didn't see any reason to put things of any further and he knew that Catherine would be home soon. 

The last thing he wanted was for his wife to walk into an awkward conversation where Harry would like what he was being told and lashed out. 

"Sounds serious," Harry joked sipping on the homemade lemonade that William had served, it was a lovely day outside and he was considering taking Meghan for a walk around the gardens later on. 

It would be a shame to waste it inside, he wanted to enjoy as much time with her as possible before he wasn't able to do so. 

"You know that we support you, we do want you to be happy," William started knowing that it might not seem like it during this conversation but they were doing this from a place of concern. 

The things that they had to say weren't coming from a place of malice like Harry would likely take them. 

"It's just we have some concerns about how fast your relationship is moving with Meghan," Adeline added gently, she crossed her legs as she looked at her brother already seeing how upset he was getting. 

The last thing she wanted to do was argue with him but she couldn't ignore the red flags that kept popping up every time she was around Meghan.

"Seriously? You as well," Harry said shaking his head, he set down the glass on the table knowing that this wouldn't be the first conversation that he'd had with people expressing their concerns about his relationship with Meghan. 

Uncle Charles had been shocked when he'd met Meghan and Harry had talked about how much his new girlfriend reminded him of his mother; a fact his uncle had been quick to dispute. 

"We just don't want you to jump into something that might not be right for you," Adeline tried to explain, it came out awkwardly and she felt like she might offend him in some way with her words. 

She could see the anger already brewing on his face, the tips of his ear turning a bright red to nearly match his hair. 

"Coming into this life is hard especially if you're not doing it for the right reasons," William added, he worried that Harry only wanted to marry Meghan cause he felt like he needed to catch up with them. 

That wasn't even considering the reasons that Meghan wanted to marry Harry, an actress that no one really seemed to know suddenly speeding into a relationship with a well-known royal spelled trouble. 

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