Chapter Fifty-Four: Family Holidays

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20th of August 2019 - Mon Reve Royaume

"Have you heard the news?" William asked stepping out onto the veranda where Adeline was curled up with a new book, she looked so contented here and he knew that Catherine was also relieved to be away from London for a little while. 

It was nice to be away from all the drama that was brewing back home, even if there was no escaping the news that seeped out to the press with each passing day. 

"Which news would that be?" Adeline replied without looking up from the book that she was reading, it was a little hard to keep track of what was being said these days. 

The papers were often filled with stories about Meghan and Harry's constant travels this summer, the couple seemed to be making their way round Europe with each passing day. 

William sat down beside his sister knowing that this would certainly be amusing, he imagined that such news would have caused quite the upset in the Sussex camp. 

"The Estonian government have reached out to the Queen," William informed her, a grin on his face wishing that he could be a fly on the wall when Meghan had found out about the request. 

It was amusing timing that this had come about, William had no idea what had sparked such a request but he knew that it was something that had been deeply considered if they were reaching out like this. 

"The last time they did that, they wanted Uncle Edward to be their king," Adeline pointed out closing her book and raising an eyebrow, she couldn't imagine what would spark such a move this time. 

It had been in 1994 that the Independent Royalist Party of Estonia who had been aspiring to make Estonia a monarchy had sent a letter to the Queen requesting permission to crown Prince Edward as King of Estonia. 

The letter had called Edward a 'young British prince much admired by Estonians', adding the party 'would be most honoured if you would accept this rare request'. 

But Buckingham Palace declined the offer, saying that it was 'a charming idea but a rather unlikely one'. 

William nodded his head in agreement, it hadn't been an unusual move back then to ask such things and other monarchies had been founded in similar circumstances in the past. 

"Apparently you hold a rather high popularity rating in Estonia," William teased with a smile, it was not surprising considering her rating in the UK either but it made sense considering the request that had come in. 

Adeline stared at him, she knew that there were often popularity and approval ratings done of the royal family but she didn't see how this one could be any different than the others. 

"Jüri Ratas has written to Her Majesty with the suggestion that you should be crowned Queen of Estonia," William said knowing that such a suggestion would not be lightly made nor would it be something that would spoken about publicly. 

"Is that to boost his own popularity?" Adeline asked recalling that there had been a bit of an upset in the last Estonian election, which had stained his own political reputation. 

William snorted, he wouldn't doubt it especially knowing that people didn't forget when a politician lied to them or went back on their own publicly stated beliefs. 

It was one of the reasons that they could never state anything political, they weren't allowed to vote or sway people's opinions of politicians nor could they meddle in state affairs. 

"We both know the Queen won't agree to it, they can't just announce that I'm going to be a Queen, not of another country that has nothing to do with the commonwealth," Adeline dismissed with a shake of her head, she was contented with her life and she knew that such a move would spark a lot of discussion. 

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