Chapter Ninety-Three: Visiting Balmoral

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26th of August 2022 - Balmoral

"Did your mother say anymore about the meeting?" Adeline asked quietly as she approached Simon, it had come as a bit of a surprise to hear that Susan and Joseph had visited London; the trip having been a complete secret until yesterday. 

Anne had decided to not tell Simon or Adeline while they were at the castle, she had wanted them to enjoy their private time but had called that morning to break the news about what had happened. 

It had not been an easy conversation and there was a lot of upset about what happened, there was no easy way to navigate what was now happening to the family especially with what Susan had done. 

"Nothing other than they were seeking professional guidance with this," Simon stated with a shake of his head, his mother hadn't said much to him about how that original talk had gone but had told him that she insisted that she handle this. 

Lucille had been far from pleased with the news that Susan was seeking to reconcile with the family before her wedding next year and had a few choice words to say about her younger sister. 

"That Joseph seems to have a good head on his shoulders and he seems like he'll be a good influence on Susan rather than her listening to Mary," Simon continued with a shake of his head, he doubted that forgiveness would be any easier for his aunt; who had been cut off from the family entirely and would not be welcomed back at all. 

Anne had determined that if Susan was serious about reconciliation then they would need to speak in the presence of a therapist to guide them in the healthiest way to do so. 

There was a lot of work to be done and they were going to take their time, no matter what anyone else thought on the matter and Joseph had agreed stating that their wedding could wait. 

Anne wasn't rushing into this, she was taking her time and had told Susan that her actions had caused the family a lot of hurt and she could not be expected to be forgiven quickly after four years of throwing an tantrum. 

On her part, Susan had expressed her regret for how she had acted and apologized to her mother; she had truly looked ashamed and had said that she wished she hadn't allowed her pride to guide her in this. 

That being her father's favourite child had blinded her to his faults, that she had never considered that her relationship with him might not have been the same as the others had with him.

Adeline sighed and wrapped her arms around Simon, the two of them in a quiet corner of the drawing room while the Queen was surrounded by her great grandchildren in the centre of the room seated upon the couch there. 

Catherine was trying to organise them for a picture that the Queen had requested be taken as a memory of the summer that they had all spent at the estate that the Queen loved so much. 

The three children of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the four children of Clarences were joined in the photograph by Zara and Mike Tindall's children Mia, Lucas and Lena, as well as Savannah and Isla Phillips. 

Standing at the back are the Queen's youngest grandchildren Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor and James, Viscount Severn; there had been other grandchildren and great grandchildren that had visited over the summer but the main group happened to be here this week. 

The York sisters had visited with their families the week before the others had arrived, Sienna and August having spent time with their great grandmother during this time. 

The Queen had a blanket over her lap and was seated in the centre of the green couch with the Philips girls on either side of her, Lucas was seated on one of their laps as they stared at the Duchess of Cambridge. 

Princess Adeline, Duchess of ClarenceWhere stories live. Discover now