Chapter Fifty-Six: Brother My Brother

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9th of September 2019 - Nottingham Cottage

Climbing out of the car and starting up at the place that Harry called home, William felt a pit in his stomach that only seemed to grow as he thought about why he had come here.

It was the last place that he wanted to be, he would rather be at home with Louis today but he knew that he could not put this off any longer.

Things only seemed to be getting worse and there seemed to be no escaping this conversation that needed to happen, William had talked with Adeline and Simon while they had been in France and he didn't blame his sister for wanting to keep her distance.

It was for the sake of her own mental health that she took a step back, she had to think of herself and her children in all of this while Harry spiralled out.

Taking a deep breath, William was grateful that he didn't have to do this alone and that Simon had offered to come with him when he spoke with Harry so at least there would be witnesses to what happened.

If Harry was determined to see him as the enemy in all of this, then it couldn't hurt to have someone with him while they talked things out and tried to make Harry see sense in all of this.

"Thank you for coming with me," William said nodding to Simon as the other man climbed from his own car, he was sure his brother-in-law would much rather be at home with the twins waiting for news about his sister's labour than dealing with all of this.

Lucy had gone into labour early that morning, a text coming from Celina to announce that they had gone to the hospital and she would let them know when the baby had been born.

"It's the least I can do. It's might sink in more if we both bring up our concerns," Simon admitted hoping that they were able to set Harry on the right path, he hated seeing Adeline so upset and he wanted to confront Harry about what he had said.

It had been on his mind for months and the only reason that he hadn't done so sooner was because he didn't wish to further upset Adeline.

The two men moved to the front door of Frogmore Cottage, neither of them wanting to drag this out any more than needed; the sooner that they spoke with Harry, the sooner they could leave and hopefully things would be better afterwards.

Harry was quick to answer the door, a confused look upon his face as he looked between his brother and Simon; he hadn't realised that they were coming and he didn't think either of them had visited him at Frogmore Cottage since he had moved here.

They hadn't been near the place since they had moved in before Archie had been born, it was hard not to notice how distant his family were these days and he didn't even think Adeline had seen his son other than official occasions.

"Can we come in?" William asked stuffing his hands into his jean pockets, he wasn't looking forward to this and he knew that Harry would get defensive when he realised why they were here.

Harry nodded his head before holding the door open so that they could enter, dark clouds loomed above them as they entered the cottage that threatened rain.

"Do you want anything to drink? Meghan's visiting friends with Archie," Harry said knowing that she wouldn't be gone to long, she had been eager to meet up with some people that would help them with their plans.

William and Simon declined, both of them knowing that Meghan was gone and that was why they had come; security already letting them know when she had left the grounds.

"So what's up?" Harry asked leaning against the kitchen counter, he didn't know why they would both come and see them like this; it wasn't like they often came to meet him or hang out these days.

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