Chapter Fifty-One: Helena and Albert FitzClarence

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24th of April 2019 - York House

Holding her new niece in her arms, Catherine couldn't stop smiling as she fussed over the baby, it was still hard to believe that Adeline had named her second daughter after her but had asked her to stand as godmother to the little girl. 

Helena Catherine Beatrix was tenth in line for the succession, at least for another couple of weeks until her cousin was born; she was the older of the twins and like her sister would be known as Lady. 

Albert Spencer Theodore was eleventh in the line of succession behind his mother and siblings, he had been named in honour of his maternal grandmother's family and would have Viscount Althorp as his godfather. 

"Don't be giving my wife any ideas," William laughed softly stepping into the living room, one look at Catherine and he knew what was going on inside her head. 

Louis would be their last after much discussion and advice from their doctors, it wasn't an easy decision but one made with Catherine's health in mind considering how sick she had been while pregnant with Louis. 

Not that it didn't stop speculation against the Cambridges having a fourth baby, the media wondering if and when another child would be born especially with the birth of the twins and the impending Sussex baby. 

"I was doing nothing of the sort," Adeline denied with a smile, it was nice to have her brother and sister-in-law visit with other members of the family trickling in since they'd brought the twins home. 

The only visitors that hadn't made their intentions to come meet the twins known was Harry and Meghan using the excuse that Meghan's baby was due any day now. 

There was no escaping the confusion that seemed to follow the Sussex pregnancy, Meghan's pregnancy had been announced two weeks before Adeline's pregnancy had been and still there was no baby in sight. 

Whether the baby was overdue or they had announced early seemed to be all that people talked about along with how different the Sussex birth would be to the twins. 

No details would be shared least of all the hospital were the baby would be born, there would be no standing outside the hospital for a photocall with the official photoshoot planned with so few invited to take pictures of the baby on the couple's terms.

"Sure," William laughed moving to sit next to Catherine, he looked down at Helena with a smile; he loved being an uncle and there was even a summer trip planned for the two families with them heading to the South of France together. 

It was a trip to get away from all the Sussex drama that only seemed to grow with each passing day and with the Clarences offering to host them in Mon Reve Royaume in Aix-en-Provence, South of France. 

William and Catherine had been thrilled at the invite, the idea of disappearing for a few weeks into the South of France for a much needed break away from everything was much needed. 

The tension only seemed to raise with each passing month and the factions were hard to ignore sometimes, there was no ignoring the sudden presence of the Sussex Squad who were avid supporters of Harry and Meghan that took offence to anything that anyone did.

It was hard enough dealing with Harry and Meghan's inflated egos, it was worse dealing with their fan group who were determined to defend them against all attacks but happy to attack anyone else in the family as well. 

The keep calm and carry on approach only seeming to aggravate anyone on the Sussex's side, nothing that they seemed to do gained a reaction like they wanted from the rest of the Royal Family. 

Albert slept soundly in Adeline's arms as she looked down at her youngest son, she knew that she would do anything to keep her own children safe; she wasn't going to allow Harry and Meghan to get under her skin. 

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