Chapter Forty-Eight: Lunch with Granny

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12th of February 2019 - Windsor Castle

"Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Clarence," the butler stated bowing to the Queen as Adeline made her entrance into the living room were tea was to be served, the monarch having invited her granddaughter to lunch.

It had been a little while since they had spoken or had lunch together, a point that the Queen sort to correct as she tried to spend time with each of her grandchildren when she had the chance to do so.

"Adeline," the Queen greeted with a fond smile, waving off the curtsy that Adeline would usually give her; the last thing that she wanted was for Adeline to loose her balance considering she was carrying twins at this time.

The news had been very welcome and brought much needed joy to the family, there was excitement in the air and the Queen knew that it was a history making moment.

"Granny," Adeline greeted moving further into the room, she hugged her grandmother as best as she could given the bump she currently carried before the two of them moved to take a seat.

Lunch wouldn't be ready for a little while and it had been some time since the two women had spoken, most conversation these days were focused on the media mess that was the Sussexes.

"How are you feeling?" Queen Elizabeth asked knowing that it couldn't be easy on ones body to be carrying more than one baby, she was impressed that Adeline had kept up with her appearances considering her condition.

She hadn't slowed down even with her picking up more duties as the years crept on from her last two pregnancies; she would have been well within her rights to take a break or slow down.

"Tired, achy... these two are rather active at night," Adeline said smiling softly, it was strange to think that in just under two months that the twins would be joining them.

Her pregnancy was progressing well and the doctors were pleased with how both the twins were growing, they kept a close eye on Adeline since the discovery that she was expecting twins had come to light.

"I can imagine. How are the children doing? I was so sorry to hear about Flynn," the Queen added softly, it was never an easy loss and she had been saddened to hear that the family pet had passed in his sleep.

He had been a loyal companion to the Clarence family since Simon had gifted him to Adeline when they had been dating; no doubt the children feeling the loss of their furry friend.

"They're coping well. He passed peacefully in his sleep," Adeline said quietly, it was still strange to wake up and find that Flynn wasn't there, that he wasn't sleeping in his basket or playing with the kids.

He had been buried at the pet cemetery that Queen Victoria had founded at Sandringham, a popular place for royal pets to be laid to rest to honour their service and place in the royal family as supportive companions.

Flynn had joined the likes of Susan, Dash, Sugar, Heather and Pharos who had been buried there; he was in good company and a small headstone had been placed upon his grave by the family.

The Queen nodded her head, she knew the pain well and she had said that there would be no more corgis given her advanced age and fear that they would outlive her; she had some still with her but their numbers weren't as they were.

During the course of her life, the Queen owned more than thirty of Susan's descendants; Holly and Willow, as of July 2015 the latest of the Queen's dogs, were probably the fourteenth generation descended from her first corgi.

The Queen did not have any full-bred corgis after Willow died in April 2018, she knew that it was for the best even if things were quieter without them around.

Princess Adeline, Duchess of ClarenceWhere stories live. Discover now