Chapter Seven: Family Therapy

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30th of November 2014 - The Priory, Roehampton

Sitting nervously next to William in the waiting room, Adeline couldn't help but bounce her knee as they waited to be called inside to speak with Harry and his therapist.

Their father had been to a session last week and had left in tears after his conversation with Harry, it had been a hard session but Charles had expressed hope that it helped Harry in some way.

"Mountbatten," the nurse called snapping the two siblings from their thoughts, they shared a look before getting to their feet and following the nurse.

It had been decided that the use of the name Mountbatten would be better than using Windsor in this case; the less people that knew Harry was here in rehab the better.

The corridors all looked exactly the same from what Adeline could tell, they were white and the place reminded her more of a hospital than anything else; although she guessed for the most part that it was.

The walk seemed to take forever as they twisted and turned down the halls of the rehab centre before reaching the room that had the name 'Dr. Willis' on the door and they were shown inside.

Stepping into the room, Harry and Dr. Willis were already seated inside, both Adeline and William were a little taken back at the sight of their brother.

This was not the Harry that had entered the rehab nearly three weeks earlier, he had lost a little weight and looked paler than normal; he looked like he hadn't had a decent nights sleep since he had gotten here.

"William, Adeline... thank you for both joining us today," Dr. Willis stated with a warm smile, he nodded his head towards them before looking to Harry who looked rather nervous about speaking with them.

There had been a lot of talk with Harry about how he felt about his siblings especially after their mother's death, it was one of the reasons that she had asked if they'd be willing to sit in for this session.

There was silence for a moment after Adeline and William took their seats, neither of them knowing exactly where they stood in this situation nor what to say.

"Who would like to start? Harry, I know you had some things that you'd like to address," Dr Willis encouraged, it was one of the main corner stones of recovering that they be willing to address any conflicts, emotional barriers, or resentments that might interfere with a sober environment at home.

Harry took a deep breath, he stared down at his hands as he thought where he wanted to start with all of this; he guessed there was a logical place really since it seemed to be the start of all of his problems.

"I feel like you both abandoned me after mummy died. That you accepted dad moving on with Camilla and just ignored all the hurt that she caused mummy," Harry said softly, his eyes still cast down as he picked at his fingernails unable to believe that they were actually discussing this.

It was one of the things that bothered him the most especially when talking to the therapist, he didn't liked talking about that time in his life.

"Mum and Dad's marriage was never going to work Harry, even if they'd have stayed together they would have made each other miserable. I'm sorry that you didn't get to see that side of them like we did," William said shaking his head.

Their mother had coddled Harry so much that it had left him rather confused when the marriage had collapsed and the divorce was announced, once that interview had happened there was no way for the marriage to survive with them both so unhappy.

"If mum had lived and married Dr Khan like she had wanted to, would you still have objected to dad marrying Camilla when they both got to be happy?" Adeline added after a moment, she knew that things would have been very different if their mother had lived but she wanted to get her point across.

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