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my body jerked awake, the sound of my alarm scared me.  slamming my hand on the alarm to shut it up, i stretch out my whole body.

it was currently 5pm and i have to get ready for work at 7pm.

this would probably be a good time to introduce myself.

my name is blake, i'm 21, and i work night shifts at a jail in los angeles where i have to deal with a bunch of girls who have some type of criminal record. working there consists of getting cussed out and called a "bitch" just because i am doing my job.

i put on a hoodie and sweat pants before heading to the gym.

"shit...." i sigh, dry scooping my pre-work out. "...today is gonna be a good day"

i grab my headphones from the back and head into the gym. i hit arms/back/chest today.

after the gym i cleaned up and went home where i showered and got suited up for work before driving to the jail.

"blake. my man" my boss says when i enter his office.

"what'a up for today?" i ask him, shaking his hand.

"well. i'm gonna need you to take a seat, nothing bad i just want to talk to you about a new inmate we got in today.."

"uh huh?" i responded confused.

"she was found after robbing a store. she was in the possession of drugs and she was also carrying a 9 millimeter pistol"

"okay but why keep an eye on her?" i asked still confused.

"well, last time she was in jail she bout beat a girl to death for looking at her the wrong way" he said.

"okay. no problem sir." i say. i'm not too shocked as i've had to do this before but only one time.

"oh, blake!" i hear my boss yell.

"huh?" i hum turning around.

"she's the only one out there with blue hair... just so yk what youre looking for"

i have him a thumbs up before leaving... blue hair? that's not common... how does she expect to hide in crowds and not be easily picked out with blue hair.

i head to the changing room and put on my belt that has my gun and taser along with my bulletproof vest.

my job today was to just stand around in side the jail and supervise everyone.

as soon as i opened the doors i saw the girl i needed to keep my eyes on as she walked towards the doors.  she was a little over 5 foot tall, blue hair ofc, and blue eyes.

"fuck you starin at?" she threatened.

"you" i spit back.

she didn't respond. instead she stared at me in the eyes and walked away towards the bathrooms. i kinda giggled to myself.

i didn't see much of her for the rest of the evening. everyone went to their cells at 9:30 pm. in the mean time me and all the guards just walk around to waste time.

——-time skip——

i got off work around 5am and got home around 5:30.

work was kinda boring since i work when they sleep but i know it'll be interesting because of that blue haired girl. her attitude was hilarious.

i made food before taking a long shower and going to bed.

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