4K 80 0

3 pm came and i got up. i checked my bank account and i had 100k in there. i had money saved up because i don't have a house and i rent a apartment where it's cheap. the only big thing i've bought since i got this job was my car.

i called my bank and ordered 50k. banks never have money like that on file so you have to call it ahead of time. they told me it would be ready by tomorrow morning so i knew my plan was already in action.

i then called up andrew, a good friend of mine, we go way back.

"i didnt do it officer" he laughed as he picked up the call.

"what's up man" i laugh.

"nothin much, it's been a minute."

"i know. are you busy right now?" i asked.

"nah, why?"

"you hungry? i wanna talk to you about some things." i mention. he's the only guy i know that would help me with bailing billie out.

"you know i can eat mother fucker" he laughed.

"i'll be there in 20" i say.

"i'll be ready"

i got up and got dressed. i put on a baggy black pants with a black baggy botton up and a white wife beater under it. you could see my red nike sports bra through the under shirt but it's whatever. i got in my hellcat and drove to andrews.

andrew and i have been friends since 3rd grade. he's always been around but we really became friends when we were playing cops and robbers during PE and he "robbed" my friend and i tackled him because i was a cop. i remember him looking up at me and going "wow, you're cool" and we were inseparable ever since. we were 9 then, fast forward about 12 years and we are both 21. even though he may not rob places, he does "bad guy" things and i became a officer which is kinda cool. andrew sells and trades gun and drugs for a living. i don't get paid enough to go snitch plus i'm just not that kind of person.

i made it to andrews and i knocked on the door. he opened it and greeted me with open arms.

"long time no see, man" he said patting my back.

"i know, it's insane. let's get to going" i say leading him to the car.

"this shit is nice blake"

"tell me about it" i exclaimed. "where do you wanna go eat?" i ask him.

"uhhh how about in n out. just like old times" he smiled.

"sounds good"

"you mind if i spark?" he asked pulling a joint from his shirt pocket.

"go ahead man. just keep a window cracked"

in n out was about a 10 minute drive from his house.

"here" he passed me the j. i took a drag from it and gave it back.

i use to smoke weed all the time with him back in highschool.

"how's the fam?" i ask.

"moms doing good, dads still kickin. ella still a bitch" he laughed. ella was his older sister, she always gave us a bad time.

"that's good" i laugh.

"how's work?" he questioned.

"pretty good" i smiled.

we ordered and ate our food. being high made it taste ten times better.

"remember that one time we got faded and walked here at like 3 in the morning and scarfed down 2 burgers and fries each?" andrew said laughing so hard he almost choked.

"then your dumb ass puked it all up in them bushes over there" i pointed and laughed so hard.

"good times man" i said after we both calmed down.

"so what you need?" he asked.

i almost forgot about bailing billie out.

"oh shit. okay so there's this new inmate that came in bout a week or two ago and let me tell you" i said putting my hand on his arm and pulling my sun glasses down. "she's bout the prettiest thing i've ever laid my eyes on"

"mhm" he hummed lighting another joint and passing it to me.

"we bout fucked in her cell" i giggled

"wait what?" he looked puzzled.

"well... one night she was having some anxiety something so i stole the keys from the boss and went into her cell and called her down"

"okay okay, makes sense" he said.

"mhm, she told me she hated being in there and it seemed like she got suicide on her mind"

"ah shit man... yeah being locked up in those jails is not fun. you don't got shit to distract you" he said.

"exactly, so i was thinking about getting her out, found out her bail is forty five thousand"

"yo that ain't bad. mine was bout 75 grand"

"right so i was like thinking; let me wait it out, try to get to know her. see if it's worth it. so the next night i went in there and just kinda talked to her and ended up falling asleep next thing you know we kissed... maybe i'm stupid but i think i should help her out" i shrug my shoulders.

"nah it ain't dumb. if you got a feelin bout her then do what makes that feeling feel right"

did i mention andrew was spiritual.

"sooo... i was wondering if you could help me out.... i got 50k on the way. i'll give it to you tomorrow morning and i'll drive you there. you bail her out since i can't and you'll have a extra 5 grand in your pocket."

"man you know if do it for free if it means i'm helping you out" he smiled at me. mans was faded.

"yeah but it means a lot to me. i get off at 5 am, ill pick you up around 10am and we'll grab the money and get her out. sound good?" i asked.

"of course man. just give me a call at 9" he said.

i took andrew back home and took my ass home so i can put my work clothes on and get in my beater car. i drive a little honda to work so my hellcat don't get beat up.

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