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i didn't have work the next two day. it was my weekend.

i woke up before my alarm so i decided to go grab food before i headed to work.

when i got to work i went to see if my boss was there. all i saw was a empty desk. i was a bit confused but i put on my belt and vest and walked into where the inmates are.

"blake!" i heard someone shout.

i looked around and saw billie walking up to me.

"hey billie, how are you?" i asked with a smile.

"where the fuck have you been?" she asked, clearly upset.

"it was my weekend billie." i remind her.

"but it wasn't the week end" she said confused

"if everyone took their weekend on the weekend then who would take care of you guys on the weekend?" i asked.

"ion fuckin' know" she shrugged.

"what's up?" i asked. she seemed like she needed to tell me something.

"nothing. you're just the only nice one here. yesterday one of the officers shoved me because i accidentally got too close to them"

"what?" i asked shocked. "we aren't legally aloud to put our hands on your unless we get hands put on us first"

"i don't know man" she sighed.

"also why were you walking around your room in the middle of the night?" i asked

"i sleep walk a lot" she laughed

billie pov

i was actually really happy to see blake. i don't know why but she makes me feel some type of way.

"you seem upset" blake nudged me.

i was really upset. i hate being cooped up in these concrete buildings. it makes me feel depressed and makes me anxious. i love the thrill of doing stupid shit and not getting caught. i love being on drugs because it takes away my feelings.

"billie" blake whispered.

"oh, sorry what did you say?" i asked.

"are you okay?" she asked softly.

i was looking at blake in the eyes and felt my throat start to sting and i could feel my eyes well up. i can't let her see me like this so i just put my head down.

"why the fuck do you care?" i snapped.

i can't let this happen. i don't like feeling soft around people. i hate feeling vulnerable.

"because i care about people like you. you act hard but i know deep down something is wrong." she sighed.

"inmates, the time is now 9:25. please go to your rooms" someone said over the intercom.

i'm so tired of this shit.

"get some rest billie" she patted my back.

i slowly walked to my room. if we aren't in there by 9:30 they can make us serve more time or they cuff us and force us in there. it's fucking crazy.

i couldn't sleep. i laid in my bed just staring at the ceiling. it felt like i've been doing it for hours. my mind wouldn't stop running and i was on the edge of a panic attack. i started to lose control over my breathing and got up and began pacing the room with my hand on my head.

blake's pov:

i was thinking about billie. when i asked if she was okay earlier, her eyes welled up.

it was around 11:55pm and it was about time for us guards to go in and have our lunch hour.

i heard shuffling and breathing coming from the room.

"time to take lunch brake" i heard in my ear piece.

i watched as people started walking towards the lunch room. but i couldn't bring myself to go out there. i needed to go check on billie.

i walked down to her room and shined a light in it towards the ground which startled her.

"i'm sorry" i whisper. "what are you doing up?"

"my anxiety is really bad" she said, tears in her eyes.

i needed to help her. i thought about what to do quickly.

"hang in there. i'll be right back" i whisper.

i turned off my light and headed for my bosses office. i had a plan but i don't know how billie will like it.

i quickly searched his office for the key. the key to every room in this jail.

"where is it??" i whispered to myself.

i opened a drawer that was hidden under the desk. in it was the key, i picked it up and that revealed a picture of his wife naked.

"fucking weirdo" i whispered before shutting the door and quickly walking back to billies cell.

"billie" i whispered.

"yeah?" she whispered back.

"come here" i whispered. she came over. "i'll come in if you need but you have to promise to not tell anyone and you can not run out or something stupid"

i could still hear her breath which hasn't calmed down.

"i pr-promise" she managed to get out.

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