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Ye Bing heard the story and was surprised, if he were to be her then he wouldn't just pay for someone else to kill that bitch xiao zhan, he could have done it herself and make sure that bitch has died! As for that Xiao Gu watching him die in pain because of the death of his death then she is going to be the happiest.

Xiao Gu is no different from his son stealing men that never belong to them! Like father like son! They're no good at all! Shameless bitches who knew nothing but forcing and manipulating others to love them! She really hates and despises that bitch! Such kind of people deserve no respect but death!.

"I have something to tell you ma'am, the child you thought is dead is still alive and that useless ger stole my man! I don't know what kind of witchcraft he performed my fiance just changed suddenly and cut ties with me!" Ye Bing said her eyes were red in anger.

She still couldn't believe the person who said such heartiful words to her and even slapped her was Wang yibo and the reason behind it is none other but that bitch xiao zhan! She worked so hard to win wang yibo but by the end of it all she lost to a ger! But she is not stupid enough to just let it go! Yibo is her man and she won't let anyone destroy her dreams!.

Madam Yu was beyond surprised when she heard Ye Bing words, she never expected that child to actually survive, but she remembers the person who got paid to do the work said the child really died and even showed the light cloth the child was wrapped with, her husband and her didn't bother to follow up they just believed that the ger was dead and now knowing the child didn't die! She didn't know how to react or what to say!.

If other people had bad intentions like this woman in front of her who knew the whole story can be a great threat if the police knew they will surely not be let off.

"So what's the reason for you coming here to tell me this?" Madam Yu asked her eyes full of hostility, what she hates the most in this life is for her power feeling threatened and being below someone just like now, she is sure this woman has plans and if she will not do what she wants then she will threaten her with this.

Ye Bing smiled and said. "Nothing much I just need your family help, also killing that xiao zhan and get my man back."

Madam Yu frowned, she really wants to deal with this woman but he
needs to be careful and not do anything rashly, she will have to wait until her husband had arrived and the two will surely find a way to deal with this Ye Bing.

"No problem but my husband is not around now, gone out of the country for business, he will be back in two months time, so you will have to wait."

Ye Bing hesitated for a while but accepted, as long as she will succeed with her plans and by the end of it all get the man she loves then it's worth the wait.

"No problem madam, I will have to disturb madam Yu to stay here while waiting for your husband's arrival."

Xiao zhan was happy for the past month he really has made a lot of money, the person named Xiao Gu wasn't fake at all, he really bought his designs and complimented him, telling him his works are really good and he will reach out to him once he needs more of his designs.

Although he was happy but he was still worried, a half a year has passed but his stomach hasn't moved at all, they have been trying almost every day but nothing happened, he hasn't become pregnant at all and this led him to be really sad.

"Don't worry let the doctor have a check again, last month the doctor said you were okay and I am also fine, we just need to be patient you know." Yibo told xiao zhan who suggested to go to another hospital for another check up, maybe this time they might be good news, the baby might already be forming which is the greatest news he has been expecting and if not then he need to confirm if nothing wrong with him.

"I just need to be sure, a half a year has passed and iam not pregnant yet, maybe something is really wrong somewhere." Zhan answered and touched his flat stomach up and down.

"I don't mind if we don't have a child now, you don't have to be worried, most gers spend years before they get pregnant, even if we won't have a child I dont mind at all as long we two will be happy." Yibo said but hissed in pain when he got smacked on his head by the frowning xiao zhan.

"What do you mean by that! I want a child!"

"Okay okay, but don't be depresed when the right time comes the baby will come naturally." Yibo who stopped the car and coaxed the angry xiao zhan who was about to cry in the next second, thinking carefully it looks like by this time it looks like in his last life xiao zhan was already pregnant.

But in this life things seems to have changed, until now xiao zhan hasn't been pregnant, he wondered if the baby really hates him because of what he did in his last life that he doesnt want to even see him, he knows he wasn't a good father in his last life and mistreated the only little son he had.

He wasn't the only one who hated and mistreated his only child but Ye Bing was included, if he didn't start then Ye Bing wouldn't be so courageous and the one year child died and he didn't even know of his death for days, and now here he is shamelessly coaxing the victim who suffered so much in his hands in his last life.

Does he really deserve xiao zhan? Does he deserve to be a father when in his last life he was a jerk? Being so heartless and not caring about his family does he really deserve the second chance?.

"I'm sorry, so sorry." Yibo who didn't know what to say only said sorry and his face was covered in tears.

Xiao zhan was surprised and wondered why his husband said sorry and started crying, did he say something hurtful that made his husband cry? He really couldn't be a heartless ger right?.

"Don't cry, don't cry it's my fault I shouldn't have been so bad to hurt you, I was wrong." Zhan who was really worried said making Wang yibo to feel even more guilty.

How could xiao zhan be this good to him? Why didn't he see it earlier in his last life? He really regrets it now.

"Let's go to the hospital, after that we will go to the temple to pray." Yibo who finally calmed himself down said and zhan nodded his head.

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