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Yibo gritted his teeth but still chose to trust li jun for now, in this life this uncle hasn't done anything to harm his parents apart from falling in love with his ger which didn't happen in his last life.

"Of all the people why did you have to provoke the Wen family? You know how dangerous those people are?" Li Jun who started the car asked his nephew whose face looked a little bit pale because of bleeding.

"That's none of your business!" Yibo answered not wanting to talk to his annoying uncle, not only uncle but rival in love.

Li Jun frowned with his nephews answer and he didn't hesitate but shout. "You don't care about your well being or life that's okay! But don't do anything to harm xiao zhan and your parents! You know how deep that illegal business is but you still tried to investigate them! How can you be this stupid! Don't try to kill the love of my life!"

Yibo gritted his teeth in anger and he wanted to beat this provoking uncle black and blue, how dare he call his ger the love of his life! Xiao zhan is his and he won't allow anyone covet his ger.

"Don't go too far! Don't think just because Iam injured I won't deal with you! I don't know how you got to know about the Wen family illegal dealings but if by any chance your a spy sent by them, I will forget about you once being my uncle!"

Li Jun sighed, once he really had plans of dealing with this useless Wang yibo who knew nothing but just fooling around, changing women like piece of dirty clothes, he will never allow the business that was once prosperous decline because of Wang yibo, but then when Wang yibo changed at first he thought it was just one of his tricks but months passed and the business continued to grow unlike before and he changed his mind.

Not only will he do anything to his annoying nephew but he won't allow anyone destroy the family business, as for xiao zhan if Wang yibo dares to hurt him and go to his old ways then he will do everything to get xiao zhan, he has never fallen in love before and xiao zhan is the first person who made him know what love was, but the person he loves doesn't even want to see him.

Li Jun rolled his eyes and didn't say another word, it looks like he needs to work with his annoying and stubborn nephew to deal with the Wen's, he has also found a little bit of information and it might be of help.

Arriving at the hospital, yibo was immediately taken care of and the wound was stitched after the bullets was taken out, luckily he didn't lose too much blood, so he was given medicine to make up for the lost blood, antibiotic to prevent infection and painkillers, he rested for a while and was allowed to leave an hour later.

Yibo didn't expect his uncle would actually stay with him at the hospital and even get him all the medicine prescribed by the doctor, not only that even the discharge procedure was done by him.

Sitting at his uncle's car yibo couldn't help it but ask. "You're suddenly being so nice to me, did you drink the wrong medicine or you have some ultrior motives?"

"Hey as an elder it's my responsibility to be good to the youngersters, you don't have to thank me, I don't want xiao zhan to blame me or think Iam a bad person because I failed to help you." Li Jun answer made Wang yibo who had started to think of his uncle differently to frown and the little goodness he created to disappear.

"Take me to the company and by the way don't let my ger or anyone else know about my injury." Yibo said coldly and completely ignored his uncle.

Li Jun lips twitched, it looks like his nephew is just as stubborn and unpredictable as his adoptive father, one second he is happy and talking to you normally and the next second everything changes, he is just like a time bomb that might detonate the next second.

He really drove Wang yibo to the company and he didn't drive away but followed his nephew, this time he needs to extend a helping hand, even if he is not working in any of the Wangs cooperation, all these years he wasn't just relaxing and doing nothing, he has his own dealings and know alot of people who could help at this critical moment.

Xiao zhan on the other hand really left to go and find his husband, the bodyguards created a detour, having someone impersonate xiao zhan and Mr Gu and leave first and just as Wang yibo and the bodyguards expected they were followed.

By the time the people stationed to follow and capture xiao zhan alive or injured realized that they were tricked, xiao zhan and Mr Gu has already left.

Zhan who didn't know that he was almost kidnapped and staying home at the moment was the safest  was at the moment sleeping soundly in the moving car without any worries.

"My stupid baby, you don't know how much your husband is trying to do everything to keep you safe but your always causing trouble and being naughty, you have such a good man who is so rare to find." Mr Gu whispered while touching xiao zhan smooth hair.

Yibo headed directly to his office with his uncle, he didn't bother to send him away but decided to just ignore him, without asking his uncle anything he has a hunch that he could for once trust his uncle but that doesn't include his ger!.

The secretary rushed inside with documents in his hand together with the general manager. "Boss your finally here, I....." The secretary who was about to speak stopped then looked at li Jun wearily, he still doesn't trust this young man.

Li Jun sighed he wonder's what his nephew told this secretary for the young man to look at him like that.

"Just continue speaking ignore him." Yibo instructed.

"Well boss we are reported of tax evasion, manufacturing and selling counterfeits and even importing and exporting illegal and banned drugs, even the evidence are there, it looks like those government officials who decided to withdraw planned everything in advance before taking action, it doesn't look so good on our side." The secretary reported everything that had happened.

"They're well prepared because those people really did that and even used our hands to do all those dirty things but I won't let them go." Yibo answered with a smirk on his face.

"I will help you, I've been doing my own investigation for quite sometime and what I got might be of great help." Li Jun chimmed in and the group of four people started discussing.

An hour later there was a knock at the door and reported Wang yibo partner has arrived and wanted to see him, yibo at the moment didn't want to see his ger, with how observant xiao zhan was he might know something might have happened for him to change his clothes.

Yibo looked at his uncle hesitated for a while and decided to give him another chance. "Uncle you go and get my ger rest at the next lounge to wait for me, hey you go with him and make sure he doesn't get very close or touch my ger, if he dares you have my permission to beat him up."

The secretary who was given a heavy task to accomplish didn't refuse and followed Li Jun who was rolling his eyes.

Li Jun missed xiao zhan and wanted to see him, but when he arrived he saw a young man who looks like xiao zhan standing while talking on the phone and his heart skipped a bit, it looks like he has fallen in love again!.

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