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Mr Yu and his wife expression turned pale, this isn't the innocent xiao Gu they knew, how can this bitch know so much! He can't be the one who sent such incriminating evidence of what happened years ago right?.

Madam Wang didn't waste time after making sure the security is okay and those two troublemakers won't do anything to xiao zhan and Mr Gu he took out his phone and called her husband who followed her son Wang yibo to work and informed him to come back immediately with Wang yibo.

Xiao zhan seeing the two strangers expression who were claiming to be his biological parents he immediately frowned especially when he heard his uncle words, he never expected his uncle to go through such experience and now these two coming to claim they're his parents and his uncle at the same time talking about his child mysteriously dying and he didn't even see his body, does it mean he might be the lost child and maybe his uncle is his little dad?.

Mr Yu:"What are you talking about! Are you trying to blame us just because I decided to leave you? I know you hate me but you can't accuse us somet like that, I can report you for defamation you know!"

Me Yu warned, although he feels guilty of what he has done years ago but he did it for a good reason and he can't let this get who seems to have grown horns and being so disrespectful humiliate him like this.

"Uncle if what you said is true then I will seek justice for you, these two people are obviously not good, the way they're pretendi is so disgusting, he dared to divorce you immediately after you gave birth which is against the rules of City A, two couples can only separate until the child turned five years before finishing the divorce process, but this jerk dared to do such a thing, such a crime will have him be jailed not less than ten years in jail." Xiao zhan who was really angry said making Mr Yu to stag back in fear, Mrs Yu never expected this get to be so courageous and even look at them like they're something dirty or disgust.

"You disrespectful child! How dare you talk back to me like that! I am your father!" Mr Yu who has always wanted face shouted but he couldn't get near xiao zhan or xiao Gu because the bodyguards didn't let them, because if the two dared to take a step forward instead of forward then they will be in trouble.

"Honey what can we do? I really didn't expect this bitch to be so sharp mouthed? If we leave just like that then the two of us will surely end up in jail." Madam Yu whispered scared, Mr Yu also was confused for a moment not knowing what to do but the next second he heard a cry and his wife threw himself on the pavement wailing while rolling around.

"How can I be treated like this by my own child and flesh? I thought my child would be happy after finally seeing his biological parents but ended up getting humiliated." Madam Yu who could only think of this stance said while wailing.

" My dear don't cry such a child who doesn't even know filial piety would never have a good ending, we were happy and hoping to have a positive outcome but we got humiliated and disrespected." Mr Yu chimed in his face full of sadness.

Mr Gu and xiao zhan were about to speak when two people arrived.

" Coming to my house to cause unnecessary drama is the first crime, secondly claiming my ger is your child and wanting to take him away without following legal procedures, of your so sure my ger is long lost child then you could have done a DNA test for confirmation instead of coming here to cause trouble, third you two knew better than anyone else what your plans are, my ger is not your child even if he has a blood relationship with you Mr Yu but you don't deserve to be a father at all and you deserve to rot I'm jail for attempted murder!. Yibo who arrived and was now hugging his ger said,he then turned around and looked at Mr Gu. "Uncle Gu I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier because of my ger reaction after being pregnant, now I no longer want to keep it a secret, my ger is your child who 'died' days later after you gave birth to him, the moment I saw you months ago and seeing the resemblance between you and ger I decided to check and find found out what happened years ago." Yibo who didn't want to hide the truth anymore added.

This made Mr Gu face to turn bloodless and he felt weak and he sat down on the pavement and froze, no one could tell at the moment what he was thinking about.

Madam Yu and Mr Yu knowing that they were exposed tried to run away but they were immediately apprehended by the police who have arrived led by xiao zhang and his loyal now dog Li Jun.

Zhan on the other hand stiffened with his husband's word's, did he hear it right? Uncle Gu is his little dad! The child his uncle believed that didn't die was actually him! He was separated from his little dad who was so good to him! And the culprits are actually his biological father and the so called step mother! They intentionally separated him from his little dad! He wasn't abandoned by his little dad but his father is heartless! Hurting his little dad and making his life miserable! He will never forgive such a person!.

He was brought back to his senses when he heard his brother word's calling Uncle Gu, looking at his uncle who was supposed to be his little dad still seated and not even reacting, he had yibo who was worried about him release him and rushed to his uncle.

Xiao zhan hesitated for a while not knowing what to call the person he used to call uncle but deep down wishing he could be his little dad finally the day is here, his prayer's were answered he isn't an abandoned child! He has a dad who believed that he is alive even after his useless father claimed he is dead making his little dad heartbroken! He will be a child who has a family! A brother and dad!.

"L.... little dad are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? It's cold on the pavement, we will help you up." Xiao zhan voice seems to bring back xiao Gu who was still dazed, his eyes turned red when he looked at the child that he has been thinking about for the past two decades, his trembling hands touched zhan smooth face.

"My good boy I know you will never leave me alone in this world! I believed that you were alive and I was right, I'm sorry little dad didn't take good care of you, it's my fault you never had the love of parents, don't hate dad alright? Dad is sorry for you." Xiao Gu who has always been composed and strong finally broke down and everyone could see his fragile state.

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