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Now he understands everything, it looks like he was reborn, god pitied him and decided to give him a second chance, he realized he suffered so much in his last life and gave him a new life but then why did god let him marry the same heartless person who killed his child?. Does he have any reason to forgive Wang yibo who made his life a living hell?.

A cesarian section that could normally last for about forty minutes or an hour took more than two hours, xiao zhan condition was really not good, one time his vitals skyrocketed and the next moment his vitals shoots down and the doctors had to intervene not only to save the life  of xiao zhan but that of the baby too who was already in distress and might lose him at any second.

They can't what actually happened but they can guess whatever happened wasn't a good thing and had terrified the pregnant xiao zhan that he went into shock.

Luckily the operation went well and the baby was saved but rushed to NICU for further management, he was born prematurely and he needs close monitoring and quick intervention if anything arises, as for xiao zhan who was in a coma was taken to the ICU for further observation and management.

Wang yibo first went to check on xiao zhan whose face was as white as paper lying down on the hospital bed with several tubes connected to his body if it wasn't for the monitor showing that his oxygen concentration and indicators are at the acceptable and safe range then someone might think he was no longer alive but dead.

Yibo was terrified when he saw him, the picture of his dead ger in his last life appeared again and looking at xiao zhan now who wasn't talking or making any kind of movement really scared him, luckily nothing happened to his ger.

"Baby you have suffered, thank you you've worked hard, the baby is safe and after waking up you will see him." Yibo who was holding his ger hand whispered and cried silently, he has been tense all those hours, not knowing what the outcome would be and even if his ger is safe at the moment he doesn't know when he will be able to wake up, be healthy and smile like before.

Only Wang yibo was allowed to go inside and see xiao zhan but for a short time and the others only watched from outside.

Yibo went to see the baby, he looked so small and wrinkled, he was moving his little legs and hands from time to time.

"How is he will he be alright?" Yibo asked one of the nurses.

"So far everything is stable but he needs closer monitoring for several days as long as he maintains the current progress he will be allowed to leave here." The nurse answered and left to attend to other newborn babies.

One Week Later

A week passed and xiao zhan showed no signs of waking up, his face was no longer pale as before and he was recovering well but he couldn't just wake up, he was transferred to a general ward, the doctors check ups showed everything is normal and the only thing remaining is for xiao zhan to wake up.

The baby was doing well and today he will be in the same room as xiao zhan, he doesn't need any help when breathing, in just few days he looks healthy and pink and wasn't as wrinkled as before, although he looked a little bit small but he is no different from a child who was just born which was a very good progress to a premature baby who was born two months early.

"Baby I'm waiting for you to wake up so that you could name the baby, he doesn't have a name yet." Yibo who was wiping his ger body gently said.

The doctor encouraged people who are closer to xiao zhan to talk to him and this might allow him to wake up sooner.

For the past one week wang yibo rarely rested, he looked haggard but still persisted on taking care of xiao zhan every day, he eyes looked red and you could see without being told that this person hasn't rested.

"Yibo you haven't rested for days now, if you continue like this then you might end up getting sick too and how can you take care of xiao zhan if you get sick?" Xiao zhan dad who was really worried about his son in law well being said.

"It's okay dad I'm fine and I have to be here when he wakes up, don't worry I'm still full of energy, you should go rest xiao zhan will blame me of not taking care of you when he wakes up and see you looking tired." Wang yibo just as usual refused and sat down on a chair beside xiao zhan hospital bed while gently massaging zhan hands and legs, he does this every day.

In the morning he had the doctor do a general check up on xiao zhan, continue the maintaining fluids and nutrients that are needed, he personally changes Xiao zhan beddings and also hospital gown after cleaning him, cleans xiao zhan mouth and moistens zhan lips frequently.

The nurses and doctors present were really surprised and envied xiao zhan, it's so rare to find someone as good and caring as Wang yibo who loves his ger so much and meticulously takes care of his ger and even newborn baby, he wakes up even at night when he hears the baby cry takes care of him throughout the night, feeds him, changes his soiled pampers and coaxes him to sleep then sit down on the coach closes his eyes to rest.

Not everyone can be so dedicated and good as Wang yibo, that's the kind of man and husband everyone wishes to have, but its a pity such a man is already married and even have a child.

"This is a good sign his eyes and fingers moves when he hears someone speak, it's possible he could wake up at any time." The doctor recorded everything while talking, he even congratulated Wang yibo for the good care he is giving his ger.

The fast recovery is all thanks to Wang yibo following every instruction given without making a mistake.

Xiao zhan had a very long dream and he felt like it lasted for eternity, when the dream finally ended, everything in front of him was covered in darkness, he tried to open his eyes but he couldn't, he couldn't even move his body or open his mouth.

With time he started to feel and hear people talking in front of him every day, he could recognize everyone's voices and the person who was with him all this time was his husband.

He could hear people advising him to rest but the only thing his husband says is he is fine, at first he really thought wang yibo must be pretending to be good just because he is feeling guilty and will show his true colors when no one was around but nothing like he imagined happened.

Wang yibo took good care of him, talks to him his voice gentle he even let him hold his babies hands and fingers, it felt so soft and good to touch.

His baby doesn't have a name yet, yibo said he is waiting for him to wake up so that he could give him a name, in his last life he didn't know his babies name and didn't his babies growth but now his husband let him name his baby.

He could tell Wang yibo was completely different from the Wang yibo of his last life, he cares about him and put everything that concerns him first.

Through people's talk he could guess that he has been a coma for over a week and all this time Wang yibo hasn't rested for a bit but he has tirelessly taken care of him and the baby and not even once has he complained.

He can tell Wang yibo really changed and the person in his last life and this man beside him are completely two different people, they can't be the same.

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