Chapter 6 : Michael Hernandez

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There was applause all around. Michael's name echoed everywhere in the court.

"LOUD APPLAUSE FOR MICHAEL AND THE TEAM" The host clapped along with the whole crowd. The whole crowd cheered his name. Clappings, hootings, cheers and whistles are heard around the basketball court.

"Like every year, Michael and his team AGAIN WON THE FINAL BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP" Everyone started shouting his name.

Michael's team also started celebrating their won, they congratulated each other and shared their happiness with each other while on other side, Michael, Their leader, because of whom this win is possible, stood there, scanning through the crowd. But sighed nonetheless, seeing no one familiar.

Michael Hernandez, The Third Youngest child of Andrew Hernandez and Amelia Hernandez. Crush of almost everyone in college. The Pro Basketball player of the college. Loves Basketball more than anything in the world. Girls literally worships the land he walked on.

They awarded the team with a trophy and everyone started cheering for the team.

Michael put his clothes in his locker and turned around to leave when he saw someone familiar.

Immediately a smirk broke through his lips.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK OF YOURSELF ?" Lucas growled grabbing Michael's collar. Latter just smirked at him.

"Michael Fucking Hernandez You are nothing but a cheater" Lucas gritted his teeth, glaring deadly in Michael's eyes.

"Take your hands off me" Michael said blankly but calmly.

"You cheated in basketball. Like always, you are cheater" Lucas said raising his fist to punch Michael on his face. But without even flinching, Michael hold his hand before it even connect to his face and pushed him away from himself.


A voice interuptted their little argument.

Lucas turned back only to see his girlfriend, Olivia Hernandez. She marched towards them with a glare that fixed on Michael, her brother, who in response is just giving them a smirk.

"Lucas what happened ?" Olivia asked. Confusion laced through her voice.

Lucas turned towards his girlfriend.

"Your brother is nothing but a cheater. He cheated in game. LIKE ALWAYS HE IS JUST A CHEATER" Lucas shouted pointing his accusing finger on Michael.

Michael rolled his eyes and stood there leaning on the locker. He took out his phone and started scrolling through his Facebook wanting nothing but to get out from there.

Olivia clenched her jaw. She looked at Lucas blankly.

"BECAUSE OF HIM, JAMES LOST" Lucas shouted on Olivia.

"Then tell him to learn how to play basketball" Michael replied instead of Olivia, rolling his eyes.

Lucas turned his hard gaze towards Michael.

"He will, Michael Fucking Hernandez. He will win one day, Michael and you can't do anything. That's my promise" Lucas said, glaring at Michael and leaving from there.

Olivia Sighed and turned towards Michael.

"You are doing all this on purpose, aren't you ?" She asked him, blankly.

Michael frowned slightly.

"What ?"

"You are triggering Lucas on purpose." She stated blankly.

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