Chapter 22 : Love .... Or Lust ?

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As the wheels of the car hum rhythmically on the asphalt, the city lights blur into streaks of luminous paint against the canvas of the night. The dashboard glows softly, casting an ethereal hue on my face as I navigate the labyrinth of streets.

Mia and Luna chating with each other, passing their time.

The soft glow of the dashboard illuminates the controls, and my hands find comfort in the firm grip of the steering wheel. As the engine hums, I scan the surroundings, relying on the car's headlights to pierce through the darkness.

Mia's words still hang in my ears.

Talking with her, I felt good. Again in my life, I felt like everything will be normal, again. It feels like weight lifted from my chest. Weight of fear. Fear of losing my Family. I was scared. Afraid. And what not. But talking to her, I felt relieved. It feels like everything will be alright.

Yet, something is off. As the car settled into an uneasy quiet, the disquiet within me intensified. A subtle unease nestled in the pit of my stomach, like a storm brewing beneath a deceptively calm surface. It was a gnawing feeling, a gut instinct warning of an impending storm.

"When will we reach there ? I'm already tired." Luna whinned.

I rolled my eyes at her overdramatic self.

"5 minutes, Luna" I informed her, as I took a slow turn.

"You are going to club, Luna. Don't be lazy right now." Mia reminded her.

Luna huffed at that.

"It's not my fault that I am hungry since dinner. I didn't eat anything after dinner." She complained.

I let out a chuckle.

"You are weird." I heard Mia's comment.

I love my friends.

Pushing back those gut feelings in back of my mind, I keep myself engage in my friend's talk.

Soon enough, a beautiful lighted 'Moonview Club' board is in our sight.

"We are here, guys" I informed them.

The night air was charged with anticipation as I expertly maneuvered my car into a coveted parking spot, the engine purring to silence.

As we exited the car, the chill of the night air tinged with excitement enveloped us. Stepping out from the car, the distant bass thump grew louder, pulling us toward the club like a magnetic force.

I looked at the club with a classic grin.

"Let's beat the night" I winked at my two friends, who in response smiled and nodded at me.

We reached to the entrance of the beautifully decorated club.

We came infront of the bouncers.

Handing our fake I'ds to them, we stood there waiting for him to complete his process. As we are underage, we have our fake I'ds.

He took our I'ds and I swear I felt a surge of adrenaline as he scrutinized the details.

With a nod of approval, the bouncer granted us passage, and we exchanged triumphant glances. Vibrant wristbands adorned our arms, signaling our entry into the clandestine world beyond.

Entering in the club, my eyes started looking for my someone special.

"Already looking for brother-in-law, huh, I see" Luna whispered in my ears. I rolled my eyes at her to which she just smirk.

"No, it's not like that" I told her.

"Keep lying to yourself, Babes" She winked at me as I glared at her.

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