Chapter 30 : Hospital

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Author's POV.


Four letter small word. But, it holds the power to change the world. Fear can freeze even the bravest, making it hard to think clearly and see a brighter future. But sometimes, fear pushes people to face their fears and make big changes. It's like a powerful thread woven into the fabric of life, shaping how things turn out. Fear can be a tool for protection or a barrier to moving forward, depending on how we use it.

This is the only emotion Hernandez are feeling right now. Fear. Fear of losing their sister. Fear of losing Olivia.

The moment they heard about the accident. They literally break every traffic rule just to reach hospital.

When they came here, they came to know that she is transferred to Operation theatre as she is in critical condition.

It's been 2 hours 23 minutes that each one of them are waiting outside of the operation theatre, waiting for some good news to come from inside, for their sister, who is fighting inside for her life.

Hazel is sobbing continuously, while William is sitting worriedly.

Ethan immediately went to the place where accident takes place, while Sophia is trying to comfort Hazel.

Noah and Jack are not different from others. They are sitting silently lost in their thoughts.

Michael keeps pacing back and forth.

While Mason's heart is keep beating fast. His tears dried. His eyes reddend. It's been a four years, he again cried for someone. He already lost someone so special, he just don't want to lose his twin also. He heard the vulnerability in Olivia's tone in the last sentence, she spoke. And that is constantly breaking his heart.

"Olivia- William, what happened to Olivia ?"

Their heads snaps towards the voice.

"M-Mom" William immediately rush towards her.

"William what happened to Olivia ? Is she ok ?" Andrew (Their Father) asks.

"Dad, Olivia has had an accident. She is in critical condition and in operation theatre." He inform them.

They sighs and takes place on the chairs silently.

Not long after, Ethan arrives.

"What happen ? Did Doctor inform anything ?" He immediately asks worriedly. Sophia shakes her head in negative.

He sighs and sit beside Mason.

All are sitting there lost in their thoughts.

The sound of the clock ticking on the wall feels like time passing slowly, making each second feel like forever. They feel stuck between hope and despair, unsure of what the future holds, which fills their hearts with fear.

But amidst the darkness that threatens to engulf them, a flicker of hope still remains, a beacon of light that refuses to be extinguished. They draw strength from each other, their bond forged in love and resilience, as they cling to the belief that somehow, someway, Olivia will emerge victorious from this battle for her life.

I h-hate you, Mase I-I h-hate everyone.

Mase, y-you snatch my h-happiness from me.

I h-hate you, Mase.

I hate you.

Mason shut his eyes tightly. Tears roll down his cheeks. His fist clenches as his chest tightens.

No, Olivia, please don't leave us. I am so fucking sorry. I will do everything in me to make it up for you. But, please don't leave us. I know, I was an asshole to you. Not once, but always. And, trust me, I am regretting it with each second. I am so sorry, Olivia, please please be okay.

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