Chapter 8 : Party

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Note : From here, everything will be in Olivia's P.O.V. and I will switch P.O.Vs only if needed. Enjoy ... 🌠

Ring... Ring... Ring...

I groaned, trying to reach towards that annoying shit we call alarm and off it. I again pulled my blanket over my head and turned towards another side and fell in my deep slumber.

Correction, trying to fall because another annoying shit started ringing. Yeah you guessed right, phone.

I again took my hand out of the blanket and reached to the mobile kept on the table. I squint my eyes seeing name display on the screen.

I picked it up.

"Hello" I said in my morning groggy voice.

"Hello Babes" A very sweet voice said. I smiled.

"Hey" I said, again closing my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Good morning, wake up, baby" He said in a gentle tone.

"I am still sleepy, Luke" I whinned. Lucas chuckled. 

"Why ? what are you doing at night ?" He asked. I could hear mischief in his voice.

"Talking with my boyfriend" I completed with a yawn.

"But your boyfriend is awake, so, you should also open your eyes." He said.

"Yeah Yeah" I said.

"No yeah yeah, wake up and go get fresh. And come soon, I am already missing you" I could see him pout.

I chuckled in my morning husky voice.

"Ok Ok, I am going" I said and removed myself from blanket.

"Ok, Talk to you later, Byee" he said.

"Byee" I hanged up.

I sighed and stood up from my bed.

I stretched my arms, rubbing my eyes and yawned getting rid of sleepiness.

I scratched my head and paddled towards washroom. I washed my face and took out my tooth brush.

Sitting on closed toilet seat, I lazily brushed my teeth, scrolling through my phone. When I felt my mouth full, I rinsed my mouth. Eventually, I get ready and came out from my bathroom.

Like always, I did my make up and styled my hair like a Queen, I am.

I take a last look in mirror and smirked seeing myself.

Definitely blessed with Beauty. Lucas is so damn lucky.

I made my way down the stairs to the dining hall.

"Good Morning, Mom. Good Morning Dad" I greeted them before taking my usual seat.

"Morning Olivia" Mom smiled and Dad nod his head. I smiled back and sit on my seat.

"Dad you are free today ?" I asked him munching on my breakfast.

"No, I have few meetings to attend and then I am little bit busy with some projects. Why ? Anything serious ?" He asked me.

"No, just asking" I just shrugged my shoulders.

"DAD I AM GOING TO COLLEGE" A voice boomed from the hall to the dining.

I rolled my eyes.

"BREAKFAST, MASON" Mom called him.

A loud footsteps heard.

"Mom, I am late, Dylan is waiting for me" Mason said showing his puppy dog eyes.

Dramatic asshole.

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