Chapter 20 : Fight

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A/n : Please pin point the grammatical mistakes (There is going to be a lot, I know.) Because I wrote it in a rush.

Author's P.O.V.

"So, what do you think, Noah ?"

Noah sighed.

"I don't know" He honestly mumbled.

Jane took his hands in hers and made him look at her.

"Ok, tell me Noah-"

"Can we talk something else, Jane. I don't want to talk about that" Noah muttered, rubbing his forehead.

Jane looked at him.

He is hurting himself only.

Jane saw how much Noah loves Olivia. How much he cared for her. How much he was tensed for her when that day he saw her crying due to cramps.

She is just trying to make him realise his love and care for his sister.

But, him being the most stubborn soul of the universe don't want to accept that.

But nonetheless, she sighed.

"No problem. Just so you know, she loves you and I know, you love her." She said, firmly.

Noah stared at her blankly but smiled.

"You know, you are so cute when you are trying to show your stern look." He smirked at her glare.

Her cheeks turned slight red, while her eyes narrowed at him.

She smacked his chest as he laughed.

"Ok, let's go, we have class."

"Yeah, can't miss that"

They were interrupted with a phone ring.

Noah took out his phone and picked up his phone.


"Yes, I am in college, Will"

"Ohh wait" He turned towards her.

"Jane, you go ... I will join you later." He said signalling her his phone.

She smiled and nodded.

He left from there talking on his phone.

Jane shook her head and sighed.

She really adored him.

Jane walked down the corridor to her class, the echoes of her footsteps bouncing off the cold, tiled walls. The distant hum of chatter and laughter from classrooms grew louder as she approached her class.

But the group of boys took her attention. As it was past lunch time, only few students were present in corridor.

A whistle heard. From the boys. Her heart skipped a beat.

Minding her business, she ignored them.

As Jane passed, their presence became palpable, an invisible net closing in around her. She quickened her pace, a knot of unease tightening in her stomach.

"Jane Allen"

One of them sneered, stepping into her path.

The others closed in, forming an intimidating semicircle. Jane's heart pounded as she raised her gaze, meeting their eyes with defiance. "Stay away from me," she asserted, her voice was firm.

But they fell on deaf ears.

The boys, fueled by arrogance and disregard, continued to encroach upon her personal space.

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