Chapter 10 : Boiling Water

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The room is still cloaked in darkness as my alarm clock's insistent beeping cuts through my dream-filled slumber. My hand fumbles around the bedside table, blindly searching for the snooze button. With a groan, I finally manage to hit it, granting myself a few more precious minutes of sleep.

The alarm clock's annoying buzz pierces through the peaceful morning silence again after five minutes.

"Ugh, just five more minutes" I groaned, annoyed.

My cozy blanket is like a warm, protective shield, and the bed feels like it's trying to keep me hostage.

I don't want to wake up.

So, I snoozed it again.

Lying there, cocooned in warmth, I debate the merits of staying wrapped in my cozy blankets versus facing the world.

If I go back to sleep for another 5 minutes, the world won't end. I'll just snooze for 5 more minutes; it won't make much of a difference. Yeah, I will sleep.

Ring ... Ring ...

I flinched.

"Fuck you" I mumbled extending my hand towards my sleep and peace intriguer.

My eyes reluctantly flutter open. The clock's digits read an ungodly hour.

"Do I really have to get up now ?"

I groaned but sighed.

Finally, I manage to peel myself away from the mattress, but my body feels like it's made of lead. My eyes, heavy with sleep. The thought of facing the day is daunting, and I long for a few more minutes of sweet, sweet slumber.

I stretch and blink my eyes open, greeted by the soft, filtered light seeping through my curtains. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, feeling the cool wooden floor beneath my feet. My slippers are right where I left them, waiting to embrace my feet

With a yawn and a stretch, I head to the bathroom. The mirror reflects a sleepy version of me, hair a tangled mess. I scratched my hair a little.

My head is aching, maybe because of lack of sleep. I brushed my teeth feeling a little fresh.

I step towards the shower. The shower turns on, and I let the warm water wash away the remnants of sleep. I settle on an outfit and start getting dressed, slipping into jeans and a comfortable t-shirt.

Today is Sunday and I am already feeling so lazy.

"Let's go and eat something" I whispered and move to the kitchen, where the aroma of brewing coffee greets me.

I saw Hazel with Mom there.

What is she doing here ?

Hazel and William have their separate house. They only come here occasionally. Whenever William goes out for important work, Hazel comes here. Same goes to Ethan and Sophia.

I cleared my throat getting their attention.

"Good morning" I greeted no one in particular.

"Good Morning, Olivia" Hazel said, smiling.

"Morning" Mom nodded.

I went and sat on the kitchen chair. Mom was standing by the stove, doing something, while Hazel was making coffee. Both are busy in their works. Getting bored, I took out my phone and started scrolling through my Instagram.

"What are you doing today, Olivia ?" Mom asked me. I looked at her.

"Not doing anything special" I shrugged my shoulders remembering Lucas is busy too today.

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