Chapter 32 : Realisation

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One Day earlyyyyy ... Why ?

Because, it's MY BIRTHDAY TODAY 🥳🥳🥳

Do you know guys, with my birthday it's my parents anniversary too ❤️🧿♾️

I gave you this update as a return gift now, I want comments from you guys on this chapter as my birthday gifts 💋.


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Olivia's P.O.V.

Y-You can't walk !!!

You can't walk !!!

You can't walk !!!

That's the only thing in my mind.

I tried to sleep. But I can't.

Why should I even open my eyes ? What is left to see ?

In my 16 years of life, I saw everything.

Death of my Bestfriend !

Hate of my twin !

Ignorance of my Brothers !

Strictness of my parents !

Worst side of my Boyfriend !

And now this ? I am tired. Tired of living.

I can't even lift my head to see what's around me. I am just too tired. My family is sitting beside me, their faces pale and strained, but they don't say anything. They're just staring at me with those sad eyes, and I can tell they've been crying. They still didn't notice that I am awake and I don't want them to notice me, like usual.

My legs feel heavy, but they're not there. I try to move my toes, my feet, anything, but nothing responds. It's like my body has betrayed me, like I'm trapped in someone else's skin. This isn't real. It can't be.

Can't I just consider it a bad dream and forget it ?

I am tired of suffering, God.

The tears start to flow, hot and fast, streaming down my cheeks. I want to scream, to throw something, to lash out at this cruel joke, but all I can do is cry. My future is gone. Everything I've worked for, all my dreams, they're just ashes now. I was supposed to travel, to build a career, to have a life. Now what am I ? A burden ? A weakling ? I feel so helpless, so small.

"Olivia" I looks at my twin.

Hearing his voice, everyone's eyes snaps towards me and in a moment, my mom with Hazel and Sophia are beside me.

"Y-You Okay, Olivia ?" My Mom asks me, gently.

Okay ?

Yes obviously I am okay. I just can't walk for the rest of my life. Other than that, I am absolutely okay.

I can hear the machines beeping around me, a constant reminder that I'm not in control. I hate it. I hate being here, being stuck like this, being pitied. The looks on my parents' faces say it all: they're grieving for me, for the life I won't have, for the things I'll never do. And I can't stand it.

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