Chapter 16 : Periods

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Why is it paining ?

I turned around, seeking for a comfortable position but-

"Ahh-" a whisper escaped from my mouth as I clutched my tummy.

I covered myself with duvet and again turned on another side.

I want to sleep.

I am sleepy but I can't sleep due to this pain.

Why is it paining suddenly ?

A groan escaped my mouth as I turned again.

"Ahhhhh, it's paining" I bring my legs towards my chest trying to ease that unbearable pain that dares to interupt my peaceful sleep.

"Fuck ahhhhh, please God make this pain go away" I groaned, now tears escaping from my closed eyes.

I can't bear it.

Why is it paining suddenly ?

My eyes shot open, and a gasp of discomfort escaped my lips as I instinctively clutched my belly.

My eyes widened when I felt something- a strange, unsettling wetness between my legs.

Panic surged through me as I bolted upright, my eyes widening in disbelief as they landed on the telltale stains marring my once-pristine bed sheets.

Oh no no no !


The realisation hit me like a ton of bricks.

Without wasting a single second, I leaped out of bed, leaving the stained sheets behind, and dashed towards my bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I switched on the unforgiving fluorescent light, which seemed to accentuate my pale and worried complexion.

Sitting down on the toilet seat, I winced as another wave of pain surged through me. I could feel the beads of perspiration forming on my forehead as I took deep breaths, attempting to steady myself.

Oh God, it's paining too much.

A groan left my mouth. I sighed and stood up and flushed it.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the bathroom cabinet.

I frowned when I found only one pad there.

Now ?

"I will ask Mom"

I immediately did my business and came out from my washroom.

I changed my bedsheet and again lie on my bed.

"Ahh it's hurting" I mumbled out, closing my eyes.

I rolled over right side in an attempt to ease the immense pain under my abdomen but no luck.

The pain was excruciating, and I couldn't find comfort in my usual positions. I curled up in a fetal position, hugging my knees to my chest, hoping it would ease the pain. Unfortunately, even this didn't provide the relief I desperately needed. The cramps felt relentless, as if they were squeezing my core like a tight grip.

"Oh God, please help me" I whispered as all my strength is disappeared now.

I started rubbing my stomach trying to ease the pain.

"Ahh" I shut my eyes tightly.

Time felt like it was moving incredibly slowly, and I felt stuck in a never-ending cycle of pain. My body seemed tightly clenched in this relentless grip of discomfort.

"Mumma" Tears rolled down my cheeks as I again curled up.

"It's hurting- ahhhh" My voice trembled.

"L-Lucas-" I extended my trembling hands to my phone at the bedside table and dialled his number after grabbing it.

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