Chapter 31 : Shock

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A/n : I am sooooo happy with all the comments in last two chapters... Thank youuuu sooo muchhhhh ❤️. Your responses literally boost my motivation, inspiration and everything.

My exams are going on but after seeing such a good response from you all, I could not stop myself from giving you new update. So Enjoyyyyy !!!

Olivia's P.O.V.

I have exams. My entire syllabus is pending. How am I gonna manage everything ? I feel so lazy and I just want to sleep.

But, right now I can't sleep because I am driving.

I am behind the wheel of my car, the familiar hum of the engine providing a false sense of security as I navigate the winding road.

All of a sudden, the peace and quiet are broken by a very loud noise.

I glance up in alarm, my heart lurching in my chest as I see the headlights of an oncoming truck bearing down on me with relentless speed. Panic seizes me as I realize the danger too late, my hands gripping the steering wheel in a futile attempt to swerve out of harm's way.

The truck draws closer, its massive form looming ominously in my vision. I catch a glimpse of the driver's face, a blurred figure obscured by the glare of the headlights. Fear courses through me as I brace for impact, the screech of metal on metal ringing in my ears as the collision sends shockwaves rippling through my body.

With a jolt, I am violently ripped from the clutches of sleep, my eyes open widely. The harsh light of the hospital room causing me to squint.

My heart pounds in my chest, the lingering echoes of the dream still fresh in my mind as I struggle to make sense of my unfamiliar surroundings. Sweat beads on my forehead, my breath coming in ragged gasps, my mind feels foggy, as if trying to break through a heavy mist, My head throbs with a dull ache, pulsating rhythmically in time with my heartbeat. I try to move, but a wave of dizziness washes over me, leaving me disoriented and unsteady.

"Ahh- it's hurting" a whisper left my mouth, as I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

I look around the unfamiliar place.

"Where am I ?" I frown but groan as I realise that it's hospital and I am on the bed. Panic begins to rise within me as fragmented memories of the crash flood back.

"Olivia" my head snaps towards the voice.

Hazel comes towards me with a worry laced face as well as tearful eyes, while William immediately left to call doctor.

"Are you Okay, Olivia ? Are you feeling any pain ?" She immediately asks. I weakly nods my head, trying to move slightly.

Soon, Doctor comes inside, with Mom, Dad and William trailing behind him.

As the doctor approaches, I try to sit up, wincing as a wave of dizziness washes over me. Hazel immediately helps me holding my upper body.

"Do you feel any pain anywhere in your body ?" The doctor asks, his voice gentle yet probing.

I nod slowly, my hand instinctively reaching up to massage my throbbing temples. "My head... it's aching," I reply, my voice hoarse with discomfort.

The doctor nods sympathetically, his expression reassuring. "That's to be expected after a head injury like yours. It's nothing serious, just a bit of soreness from the impact. I'll make sure you get something for the pain."

Turning towards my parents, the doctor's tone becomes more serious. "She's doing well overall, but we'll need to monitor her closely for any signs of complications. I'll be back to check on her later, but for now, I'll give you some privacy."

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