Chapter 27 : Meloni Part - 2

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"Oh Olivia, I am sooo happy that you are with me again" Lucas says, kissing my head again. 

I smile slightly.

"You know, whenever you get angry with me, the joy and peace of my life vanish. I see only you everywhere, and at that time, I just wants to talk with you, nothing else." He made me turn towards him and hold my hand, "You have become my habit, Olivia" He whispers, looking in my eyes and take my hand towards his lips. 

I don't know why but the feeling I always got is now vanish. I forgive him. I really forgive him but the butterflies I always felt whenever I am with him is now died. 

Before his lips could touch my fingers, my hand jerk away from his grasp and a punch lands on his jaw, making him fall on the ground. I gasp and immediately turns towards the culprit, only to find him glaring at me.

"Mason" I whisper.

"What the fuck are you doing with him ?" He grits his teeth. I frown.

Before, I could even say anything, Lucas speaks from behind,

"She is my girlfriend, ofcourse she will be with me" I roll my eyes at his comment. 

But, Mason looks at me in proper disbelief.

"Shut up, you bastard- I think you forgot our fists" My brother's shadow also known as Dylan speaks from behind.

"Dylan-" Before Lucas could say anything, I interrupt him.

"Lucas stop it and Mason, calm down, we are just meeting. Nothing else." I don't know why I am even giving justification to him. Maybe because I understand his fears.

"Are you fucking serious, Olivia ?" Mason asks me, holding my arms gently, staring in my eyes.

"You are meeting with the guy who tried to molest you few days back ? How can you even forgive him, Olivia ?" He asks me.

"He said sorry" I mumble, looking down.

He lifts my chin up to look at him.

"And you forgive him ? Seriously ?" He narrows his eyes at me, "Look at him, Olivia, he is the same guy, who literally forced himself on you and you are saying you forgive him-"

"But h-he realised his mistake Mason, he begs for forgi-"

"Do you forget, you also begged him to leave you that day. Did he ? Did he stop himself huh ?" Mason's eyes are blazing with anger. 

"Mason you-" Before Lucas could say anything, Mason snap his head at him, glaring dangerously at him. If looks could kill, Lucas would be six foot under the ground. It is impossible to think that Mason is actually one year younger than Lucas.

"I am talking to MY sister" Mason growls, "And you, Olivia, you are not talking with this guy anymore. Let's go home." He says firmly. I wide my eyes at that.

"But Mason-"

"I am not hearing a single thing from you. I can't believe you forgive him after he try to- leave it. We are going home right now and I am going to tell everything to William and Ethan. Now they will think what to do with this filthy bastard" He grits his teeth in anger, making me gasps.

"N-No Mason, you can't say this to William and Ethan." I requests him.

"I will and even infront of you" He challenges me.

"NO MASON, YOU CAN'T, YOU PROMISED ME." I shouts at him, feeling helpless.


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