Chapter 1: Blaze's Intro

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Beep Beep Beep

I quickly slammed the off button for the alarm clock and groaned. It's my first day of high school, yay. I pulled myself up from my massive bed, pulled aside the canopy and got up to go to the toilet. The chandelier above the staircase beside my room made small clinking noises and the light reflected off the diamond shaped pieces of glass. The door in front of me swung open to reveal a small little girl at the door, yawning and rubbing her eyes. It was Lily, my little sister, who's starting grade 1 today.

"Morning Lily." I smile. Lily never failed to make my day.

"Hi Blaze!" She chirps, and she runs over to give me her usual 'good morning' hug.

Once she finally let go, she goes to the bathroom and closes the door behind her, giving me a big grin before the door slammed shut. I sat on my bed as I waited for Lily to finish, scrolling through my photo album, looking at old memories of younger me in middle school, and... dad. Dad had gotten arrested years ago when he was accused of murder. I will never forget that day in court, I remember it like it was yesterday.


"Blaze, let's go, dad's in court okay?" Mum called, cradling a small Lily in her arms.

"But why? He's innocent!" I whined.

I didn't want dad to get arrested, he was the only one who really cared for me. Mum would always hit me when I messed up on anything at all, and even though my older brother Callum cared about me, he was gone. It was like I was never there.

Mum sighed in annoyance. "We don't know that. Besides, this household is far better off without him." She snapped, placing Lily carefully in her baby seat.

I slowly got up and got in the car, and we were off.


"Your honour, this man killed an innocent woman and her unborn son. We have the proof right here." A tall man stood and spoke to the judge.

A small phone was in his hands, and he handed it to the judges. After discussing each other, the judge in the middle finally spoke again.

"Very well." The judge murmured. "Anything to say?" He asked dad.

Dad wiped the sweat off of his forehead and his lawyer shook his head shakily.

"No, your honour." He almost whispered.

The judge eyed him before finally asking the jury.

"Those in favour of letting Mr Addam free of charge?" He asked.

One or two unsure hands rose up.

"Those in favour of giving Mr Addam life in jail?" The judge said, staring at dad as he did so.

Nearly all hands shot up in the jury.

"Alright." The judge hit the soundblock with the gavel and announced,

"Mr Addam Whitaker has been sentenced to life in jail. Case closed."

Everybody began to disperse in different directions, low murmurs echoed from the court walls. I watched dad walk off in dismay. He was being taken away by policemen now. Mum forced me out of the court, but my eyes were on dad until the doors slammed shut, and that's the last time I ever saw him.

"Blaze! Get over here now." Mum yelled from downstairs.

I gulped and made my way down the long, winding marble staircase. Our house was fairly big, with luxurious rooms and spacious bathrooms. The walls were filled with expensive paintings from Japan. Carefully carved statues stood at the two sides of the front door, and many different lavish rugs covered the cold marble floors. Sure, it was nice and all, but I would give anything to have a cottage in the countryside rather than this. I walked into the living room where mum stood, her hands on the table. I sighed and slumped into the chair, mum staring at me with piercing hazel eyes.

"Now. You will go to school, and you will not speak unless you are told to. Don't speak to anybody and stop being such a wimp, just stay there for 6 hours, and come home." She snapped. "It's only one week until you start to live in your dorms and I won't have to see you again for another 2 months until autumn break. How amazing." She pulled my ear and yanked it up.

"Don't you dare mess up. We don't want you staining our family reputation like your stupid father did." She hissed in my ear, before letting go, slightly pushing me back into my chair. "Go. Go change."

I slowly rose from my chair, wincing as I did so. Mum had given me a nasty bruise on the back of my leg, and it always brushed against the chair. I normally wear long sleeved sweaters and baggy pants to hide the bruises and scars on my arms and legs, sometimes I might even have to wear a mask to hide the red parts of my cheeks. I was honestly used to it though, mum does it a lot. I made my way up the stairs and saw Lily peering below, her face as pale as a piece of paper.

"Does mum do that to you a lot?" She whispered when I was in earshot. I nodded silently and she gave me a big hug, letting a few tears escape from her ocean blue eyes. I pulled apart and kneeled down so that we were at eye level.

"Hey, don't worry about me. I'm fine, now go on, put a smile on your face and get ready for school, okay?" I reassured her, wiping away her tears with my thumbs.

She gave me a small smile, gave me another hug and ran off to her room.


Hey guys! I'm KitKat (or KK for short) and this is my first chapter! I'm currently in middle school so sorry if my writing is bad, I would love some tips! But please, only kind feedback :) (wow 800 words already :0)


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