Chapter 20: Planning

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Cassie's POV:

I quickly led Blaze up the stairs and allowed Lily to play on the floor with a spare colouring book I had while Blaze and I sat on the bed.

"So... How's life?" I asked.

"It's okay I guess..." Blaze mumbled behind his mask.

"Alright..." I said awkwardly, but then a better question came up in my mind. "Ooh! Do you like dumplings?"

"Who doesn't?" Blaze snorted.

"Fair enough. What does your mum do?" I asked again.

"Well, she came for a business deal, what do you think?" Blaze rolled his eyes.

Why can't he answer properly?

"Hey, I have an idea. Since you're at my house, why don't we do the project?" I suggested.

"And have you crying like a baby again? No thanks!" Blaze sighed.

"Blazeeee don't talk to her like that! She saved me, remember?" Lily pouted.

"Fine." Blaze smiled, patting her head.

Lily's face lit up and she continued colouring her page.

"Speaking of you saving her..." Blaze began, and I looked up. "How on earth did you manage to do that? I mean... on the outside you look like a shy, quiet, weak girl- wait, no sorry not weak!" He spluttered, and I rolled my eyes, but smiled.

"I have been going to karate classes since I was in grade 3." I giggled.

"Oh." Blaze said blandly.

I laughed at his stunned expression and whacked him gently on the shoulder, but I instantly stopped when I noticed a flash of pain flash in his eyes.

"Woah, you good?" I said cautiously.

"Yeah, just... um... Brandon." He winced, holding the area with his other arm.

"Sorry, I didn't know." I murmured.

"Should be sorry." He snorted, and I started laughing again.

"Done!" Lily piped up, showing us her colouring page.

Okay, don't get me wrong, but I was expecting a messy colouring page, but I saw Lily's page and I gasped.

"That's amazing Lily!" I gaped, before Blaze shut my jaws shut with an amused expression.

"She's always had an amazing talent for colouring and space." He said proudly, looking at the artwork.

Lily beamed and flipped to the next pages, looking for another page to start on.

"You should put her in competitions!" I exclaimed.

"Oh um... my mum doesn't really let us do that much extracurricular stuff." Blaze mumbled.

"Oh, never mind that!" I chirped, pulling out my laptop. "Should we start the project?"

"Do I have much of a choice?" Blaze laughed, ruffling my hair.

Hold up, he did what?

I quickly blocked my pink cheeks with my laptop screen and began searching for inspiration.

"Hey, that one looks pretty good!" Blaze pointed to an image of the screen.

It was made of several ripped up pieces of cardboard, placed strategically to make a picture when light is shone on it.

"Well, yeah, but there isn't that much emotion behind it, and I've seen other people do it and it'll take FOREVER." I said, continuing to scroll through the images.

Blaze shrugged and glanced over my shoulder to see some of the pictures.

"Ooh! That one's really nice!" I said all or a sudden, opening up a sculpture of a crying girl with a smiling mask on her face.

"Oh, yeah. It has emotion and we could probably pull it off easily!" Blaze agreed.

"Should we do it?" I asked, and he nodded.

I shrugged and leaned to the side to grab my bag, which felt as heavy as a million rocks. I strained to pick it up, but I finally managed to haul it onto the bed, unzipping it and dumping its contents onto the bed. Books shot through the opening, followed by my pencil case and emergency kit for... well, you know. I flipped open some books, spreading them out until I found the art one. I quickly rummaged through my pencil case for a pen and scrawled down a few notes. Blaze watched me the whole time, surprised at my speed. I noticed his stunned expression and laughed.

"It's fine, I'll share my notes with you in our next class or in the library." I giggled.

Eric suddenly burst in, crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame with an amused expression.

"How are you two lovebirds going?" He asked, forcing his laughter to keep down.

"Eric!" I frowned.

"We are NOT lovebirds. We pretty much hate each other!" Blaze spluttered, and Lily looked up.

"What's wrong with you two being lovebirds? Mum and I are fine if it does happen!" Lily pouted, and Blaze blushed profusely.

"Ericcc." I groaned.

"See ya, I'm going to eat dumplings without you!" Eric smirked, before I swiftly leapt up and whacked his shoulder.

"Oww!" Eric winced, and quickly ran down the stairs, giving me a teasing smile before he disappeared.

I rolled my eyes and beckoned for Blaze and Lily to come. Blaze got up slowly, but Lily practically ran like a cheetah. I could see Blaze's smile from behind his mask as Lily bolted down the stairs to eat some dumplings.

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