Chapter 30: Escape Room

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Blaze's POV:

Cassie and I stepped into the dimly lit room, and the door slammed shut behind us. Cassie bit her lip slightly, and we stood there in darkness. Slowly, the room began lighting up, shades of blue and green lights swam around the room, bouncing off the walls. At the end of the room, there was another door, probably the exit, with a lock on it.

Cassie almost instantly went for the door to examine the lock. On the lock, there was a 4 number password, which we probably needed to find. As I looked around the room, I saw 4 tables with a weird shape on it, all different. I was about to walk over to one of the tables to examine the odd shapes more carefully, but Cassie grabbed onto my shoulder.

"There's an envelope here, let's read it." She murmured, grasping a white envelope in her hand.

She carefully tore the envelope open, pulling out a piece of paper.

Hello players! I see you've seen the envelope in the corner of the room! Each corner will have an envelope in it, and each envelope contains a hint in it.

Here is my hint for you:


Oh, and there's a pen on table 2 in case you need help.

I scrunched up my face in confusion, but Cassie's face lit up.

"Augustus's code! I study this in my free time!" She whispered excitedly.

"Table 2... Table 2..." She muttered under her breath, looking around the room for the table with a pen.

"Aha!" I said triumphantly, holding up the pen.

Cassie took the pen from me gratefully and began to decode the message.


"Number two comes first? What does that even mean?" She asked.

"Dunno..." I trailed off, noticing something very important.


"Wait! We need to find a light switch!" I said, scanning the room.

"Light switch? Why?" Cassie scrunched up her face but looked around anyway.

"You know those videos where people shine a light on a weird shape and it creates a message or picture? That might be what those lights and weird shapes are for!" I pointed to the hidden lights in the ceiling.

"Huh, smart guy." Cassie snorted.

"Dumb bunny." I teased her.

"Was that a Zootopia reference I heard there?" Cassie giggled.

"Nah, it was a Harry Potter reference." I snorted sarcastically, but something caught my eye. "Over there! I see it!"

I ran over to the light switch, but it was blocked by a glass cage with a 4 number passcode on it.

Of course, there just had to be a glass cage.

"Wait, there's another note on it." Cassie pointed out, taking the note.

Aha! Smart cookie, you noticed the lights, didn't you? Well, to turn them on, you gotta solve this code too and unlock the glass cage.

Here's the code:

19-5-22-5-14 15-14-5 20-8-18-5-5 6-9-22-5

This time, it was my turn to smile.

"Cass? Have you ever heard of the fact that all odd numbers have an 'e' in them? Well, the 5th letter of the alphabet is e. Convenient, eh?" I smirked.

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