Chapter 16: Gym Class

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Cassie's POV:

I walked into the huge gymnasium, wrinkling my nose at the foul stench of sweat. Adair tried to breathe in the air, like he did whenever he went somewhere new, and nearly choked on it.

"I thought this place had janitors!" Adair said, scrunching up his face.

Aurora giggled and skipped around the basketball court.

"Alright, students, gather up here!" Mr Collin called, and people began to huddle around him. "This term, we will be focusing on basketball, we'll start with the basics, then slowly move up to more complex skills. As a warmup, do 5 laps around the court. Go on!"

I groaned to myself and began running, quickly tightening my ponytail. After a few seconds, Lilia quickly caught up to me, huffing slightly.

"Sup." I said blandly.

"Eh, nothing much. How about you?" She asked.

I scoffed. "I'm running."

Lilia gave me a joking whack on the shoulder while I trailed behind her, struggling to catch up.

"Slowpoke." Lilia teased with a playful look in her eye.

"Hey! It's not my fau-" I started, but was cut off by a loud "Oww!".

People slowly stopped and looked in the direction of the noise. My head turned to see Blaze on the other side of the court, clutching his ankle, Brandon looming over him with a sickly smirk on his face.

"Watch where you're going Blaze." He snickered, high-fiving his friends.

Mr Collin shouldered his way through the crowd of people and rushed over to Blaze.

"You good mate?" He asked, gently moving Blaze's scarred hand.

Blaze nodded weakly, his ocean blue eyes filled with pain.

"Alright," Mr Collin murmured. "Guys! Carry on with the laps! I'll come in a bit!"

We began running again, and I was so lost in thought that Lilia was already miles ahead of me.

"I- wah- Lilia! Wait up!" I called, and Lilia looked at me from over her shoulder with an amused expression.

I finally caught up, my breath coming in quick gasps. Lilia noticed my state and slowed to a steady walk.

"Asthma again?" She asked.

"Ye- yeah." I wheezed, pausing and resting for a moment.

"I think you should go get your puffer." She suggested.

"Go- Good I- Idea." I huffed, walking over to Mr Collin, who was next to Blaze.

"He- Hey Mr Collin?" I panted.

"Yes Cassie?" He replied.

"Ca- Can I pl- please ge- get my puffer?" I asked.

He nodded and dismissed me, too focused on Blaze's ankle.

Thank God he didn't ask me to go with Blaze...

"Oh, wait, Cassie!" He called from behind me.

Spoke too soon.

"Please take Blaze with you to the office to get his ankle checked!" He said.

I groaned and nodded, as if I had a choice. I could almost exactly picture Blaze's scowl behind me. I turned around and gently hauled Blaze up, making sure he didn't land on his ankle. I wrapped his arm around my neck, almost gasping at how skinny it was.

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