Chapter 29: Coming Over

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Blaze's POV:

The plan to go to the escape rooms was today, Saturday. I was already ready to go, since I always wear the same thing to everything. I re-adjusted my mask since my nasty cut still hadn't healed.

"You guys ready? I swear, you guys take forever!" I groaned impatiently.


I glanced across the room, where my phone was. The screen had lit up, like it always does whenever I get a notification. I walked over and turned it on.

CASSIE: Yo you guys ready?

BLAZE: i am, but these guys take FOREVER

CASSIE: welp, you can make ur way to our dorms, you can wait there :>

BLAZE: lol okie thx

BLAZE: cya!

I smiled to myself, which was probably the most you could get out of me.

"Guys! I'm heading over to Cassie's dorms, she invited me to stay while you bathe yourselves in perfume." I gave Liam a meaningful look with those last few words.

"Uh huh, sure. We'll come in a bit." Adair mumbled, his voice muffled through the closed door.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my room.

"Oh, and don't forget the keys when you guys come!" I called over my shoulder.

I quickly grabbed my phone, shoving it into my pocket and making my way through the hallways to find Cassie's dorm. The halls weren't very crowded, since most people were either studying in their dorms or already gone out. I glanced at my watch.


I snort.

Seriously? Mitchell, Adair and Liam had started getting ready at 2, why is it taking them so long?!

After a few more minutes of desperate searching for Cassie's dorm, I took my phone out of my pocket and texted her.

BLAZE: wheres ur dorm again?

CASSIE: its in the area near the english classroom, it's called B198

BLAZE: got it, thx

CASSIE: np! Cya :)

I navigated myself through the hallways, until I found the classroom. I looked at the dorm closest to me. B196.

I must be close!

I quickly looked at the dorm next to it. B195. I looked the other direction, and sure enough, it was there. I walked over in front of it, and I heard excited chattering from inside. I knocked on the door.

"Ooh! That should be Blaze, I'll get it!" I heard a faint voice say inside.

I waited for a few seconds, and Cassie opened the door with a bright smile. She was wearing a pale blue top and denim overalls. A small star pendant hung from her neck, her hair was tied up in the usual messy bun, but it was accessorised with a small hair pin with a moon on it.

"Hi Blaze!" She chirped, snapping me back to reality.

"Hi." I replied dryly.

"Come in! We're just waiting for everyone else." She smiled, pulling me in by my sleeve gently.

I walked into their dorm, which was unsurprisingly decorated with lights and flowers. The table top was covered with a cute, flower-patterned cloth with a small clay rabbit perched on top. Aurora sat on a bean bag chair, while Nixie and Lilia sat on the couch with a gap between them, where Cassie was probably sitting.

"I am so, SO hyped!" Aurora squealed.

"I can tell." I said blandly.

"Come on Blaze! Cheer up man!" Nixie rolled her eyes with a smile, whacking my shoulder, where I had a bad cut.

I let out a small hiss of pain, and Nixie quickly apologised.

"Sorry! Did that hurt?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh, umm, no tha-that's fine. I just have a bruise there." I shrugged, plastering a small smile on my face, as if they could see it.

"Sorry Blaze." Nixie winced.

"Never mind that, how are we going to partner each other up?" Lilia asked, changing the topic.

"Good question, but shouldn't we wait for the others?" Aurora frowned.

"Yeah, probably, but maybe we could use a random name generator?" Cassie suggested.

"Yeah, sure!" Nixie chirped, and there was another knock on the door.

This time, Aurora stood up and ran to the door. She swung it open to reveal Adair and the others.

"O-Oh! H-Hi Aurora." Adair greeted, stammering slightly.

Cassie and Nixie shared knowing looks, and Lilia raised an eyebrow. 'You guys better tell me the tea later!' She mouthed to them, and they nodded, forcing back fits of laughter. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

Girls, I just don't get them.

"Alrighty, now that you guys are here, let's choose our partners." Nixie announced when we were all settled.

"I'll put in our names." Lilia chirped, taking out her phone.

"What's going on?" Mitchell asked with confusion.

"We're using a random name generator to choose our partner." Aurora answered, taking a sip out of her water bottle.

"Hold up, let me connect it to the TV so it has more suspense." Lilia muttered, tapping away at her phone frantically.

Eventually, the screen was set onto the TV, and all of our names were on a wheel.

"Ready?" Lilia asked.

"You bet." Liam answered, his eyes glued to the screen.

Lilia tapped on her phone, and the wheel began spinning, and it finally settled on...

"Liam! You're first. Let's see who your partner is..." Lilia said with mock suspense, and tapped her screen again.

"Adair! You're Liam's partner." Lilia smiled, and the two shuffled so that they were next to each other.

"Next, we got..." Lilia trailed off, waiting for the wheel to stop spinning.

"Me! Okay, who am I with?" Aurora chirped.

"Aurora is with... me? Oh, cool!" Lilia smiled, and Aurora made her way towards her.

"Next... Nixie, you're with... me again? Oops, I should probably delete that-" Lilia laughed with embarrassment, quickly deleting some of the names of people who have already been partnered up with.

"Okay, all that's aside, Nixie, you're with... Mitchell? Ooh, match made in heaven!" Lilia smirked, and Nixie threw a pillow at her aggresively.

"Yeesh, best not make her mad Mitch." I laughed, turning to Mitchell who was beside me, looking at Nixie warmly.

"That just leaves Blaze and Cassie, together, again." Lilia snorted.

"Why are you two always with each other? It's almost like the universe wants you two with each other." Liam laughed.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: *cough* That's me! Hi, it's me! I'm the problem, it's me!)

"Shut up man." I rolled my eyes.

He wasn't wrong though, why are we always with each other?

I glanced at Cassie, who was chatting with Liam beside her, and smiled.

Well, it's not like I really mind being with her...


hey guys! how's it going? I havent popped in for a while, but hey, i'm here! can any of you guys find any (possible) ships upcoming? i love you guyssss thank you for reading <333

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