Chapter 39: I Know Who You Are

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter is sure to make you gasp, a really big twist is coming >:)

Liam's POV:

The car pulled up beside Mitchell's house after a long drive. I stretched in my seat and unbuckled my seat belt. Mum looked sideways at me with a smile, one hand on the steering wheel.

"Have fun Liam! Call me if you want me to pick you up, okay?" Mum smiled.

"Sure! Bye mum!" I chirped, getting out of the car.

I walked towards the door with a brass '24' on it and knocked on it. Lilia opened the door with a smile.

"Liam! You made it!" She grinned.

"Yep! Hi Lils." I smiled, ruffling her wavy hair.

She swatted my hand away with a laugh. Mitchell's head popped out from the kitchen door, and he flashed me a smile.

"Hey Liam!" He grinned.

"Hey Mitchell! Who else is here?" I asked, looking around.

"Just the girls and us. We're waiting for Adair and Blaze." He shrugged.

I entered the kitchen and saw Mitchell taking out a large batch of Christmas cookies and Cassie piping out frosting on some of them, while Aurora was absolutely smothering them in sprinkles.

"Aura! Go easy on the sprinkles!" Nixie scolded her.

"What? The sprinkles only make them better!" Aurora pouted while nearly dumping the entire packet of sprinkles on a singular cookie.

"Jeez, are you trying to give us diabetes?" I laughed while leaning on the door frame.

"Oh! Liam, you're here!" Cassie squeaked in surprise, while Aurora stayed focused on her job of bathing cookies in little stars and spheres.

"Eh, at least you'll die happy." Aurora giggled, flicking away a singular sprinkle from the table.

"Sure." I snorted, walking over to them.

"Can I taste one of them?" I asked Cassie.

"Why don't we all?" Cassie giggled, while handing out some non-sprinkled cookies.

I took a bite out of them, and they were really good.

"Damn, that is some good cookie... stuff." Nixie finished lamely.

"Agreed." Lilia giggled.

Cassie quickly finished her cookie without making a mess and continued piping the cookies while chewing on her last crumbs.

"Who made the batter?" I asked after finishing mine.

"Me, who do you think?" Mitchell snorted.

"Well, they're damn good." I laughed.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Mitchell's mum chirped from the living room.

She walked up to the door and opened it. I walked in front of the door to see Blaze and...

Ain't no damn way...

"Hi! I'm Blaze's mum, and I'm here to drop him off!" Aria chirped.

What the actual heck?

Aria spotted me, and she shot me a glare. She quickly turned back to Mitchell's mum and plastered a fake smile on her face.

"Oh, of course, of course! Come in, I'll make some tea." Mitchell's mum chirped.

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