Chapter 6: Making Plans

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Aurora's POV:

I skipped merrily through the hallways, holding the straps of my bag with my two hands. High school is great so far! I have a few friends from middle school already here, and some more friends to make! Speaking of making new friends... I glanced over at Adair's table, where practically our whole group table for homeroom was sitting, except for Blaze. I should probably go and join them! Maybe I could ask them if we could get some boba or ice cream after school and we can become friends! I imagined the thought of us all in the park, chatting and eating ice cream. Good idea Aurora!

"Hey guys!" I chirped once I was at their table.

"Hey Aurora! Wanna join us?" Mitchell asked, clearly content.

"Of course!" I grinned, and seated myself next to Cassie, who was sitting quietly and eating her home packed lunch.

"O-oh, hi Aur-Aurora!" She stammered, pulling a few strands of hair behind her ear.

I smiled at her warmly and opened my lunchbox, shiny and metallic unlike her wooden bento box. Damn, she's got a nice lunch... I thought, looking at what she had packed. She had 2 salmon onigiris, some soy sauce in a small container, freshly cut strawberries and a pack of seaweed as a snack. Lilia was probably thinking the same thing I was.

"Wow, Cassie, that looks delicious!" She exclaimed, still eyeing the food.

Adair nodded in agreement and Mitchell gawked after seeing her lunch. Cassie laughed softly, then opened up the seaweed.

"I get this kind of food a lot, since I'm korean. You guys want some pieces?" She asked, smiling softly and holding up a piece of seaweed.

"Yes please!" Mitchell pleaded, looking at the piece of seaweed in her hand.

Cassie giggled softly and handed everyone a few pieces of seaweed, and Aurora was surprised to see that Nixie had practically eaten all of it in one bite. The table laughed after seeing her full cheeks, and she nearly choked on it, not wanting to spit it out.

"Hey guys?" I piped up over the laughing.

Slowly everyone calmed down and looked at me, waiting for me to say what I needed to say.

"Are you guys all free on Saturday?" I asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Why?" Lilia and Nixie asked.

"Oh, well I was wondering if you guys wanted to meet up at the ice cream or boba shop and we can hang out? I can pay!" I asked nervously.

Damnit Aurora, they're not going to be like your toxic friends in primary school, they'll be nice! In primary school, I had some really abusive and manipulative friends. They were basically the popular girls, and I was the sidekick, who everyone thought was bad, but secretly a good person. Anytime I tried to leave, they would bring me to the back of the school and threaten me, if you were lucky, then they would just dob on your parents, saying you did something incredibly bad to them. (Author's note: Unfortunately, I had to face the exact same thing when I was younger. I had an extremely manipulative friend, and they would always blackmail me into giving her my food, toys or to carry her things, just so you know 🙁. But all that aside, I have better friends now and although I had only escaped my toxic friends in Term 3 of year 5, it's all in the past now 🙂, never mind that now, let's get back to the story!)

"Yeah sure! Why not?" Mitchell agreed.

Everyone else murmured their 'yeses' but Cassie looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Hey, what's wrong Cass?" Nixie asked, concern showing in her unique eyes.

"Well... I have an extreme allergy to milk." She murmured, looking down dejectedly. "But it's fine! You guys can go." She quickly added, looking down again.

"Miss girl don't feel guilty! We can get you something without milk!" Aurora put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Cassie looked at her with a small smile.

"So... Saturday, right?" She asked.

"Oh yeah!" Adair whooped.

Cassie grinned and took a final bite of her onigiri then closed her bento box, sliding it back into the small tote bag she carried during break times. She lightly dusted her hands against each other and got up.

"I'm going outside for a bit, you know? Just to get some fresh air!" She smiled, then headed out the glass doors outside.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the wait, I promise I'll upload more often! Butttt I shall ask some questions. Who's ur fav character? Whos your least fav character (hint: The only answer i will accept it blaze's mum :>), In the group of 6, make 3 pairs of couples. Go ahead, don't be shy ;) (hint: they're all paired with someone opposite their gender) aaand lucky last, one of them in the group is bi, who do u think it is???? Anywho, I LOVE YOU GUYSSSS <3333


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