Chapter 27: Oops...

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Blaze's POV:

I walked with Cassie to a spare table, holding the food colouring, vinegar and baking soda while she brought the diorama, which was apparently made of clay and really heavy. She set the diorama down, landing with a loud thud. I jumped in my seat slightly, placing my hand on my chest in fright.

"Sorry, did that scare you?" Cassie winced, pulling a chair and taking a seat beside me.

"Eh, I'm fine." I shrugged, and groups began forming in the classroom.

Adair ended up with Aurora – earning a giggle from Cassie – and Liam, one of my roommates got paired with Lilia.

"Huh, looks like they're pairing it up boy-girl boy-girl, great." I retorted.

"I bet you Mitchell's going to be paired up with Nixie." Cassie snorted.

Mitchell was instantly paired up with Nixie, just like Cassie predicted. Once everyone was settled, Mr Lambert let us begin.


"Are you sure it's that much vinegar?" Cassie asked worriedly, noticing the amount I was pouring in.

"I think so, and how much baking soda was it again?" I asked her, glancing at her notes.

"One scoop, that's it." Cassie replied.

"Mkay." I muttered.

Something – Or rather someone – shoved me from behind, and baking powder seeped out of the scooping tool, flying around like specks of dust.

"Oops, mess up your experiment?" Brandon snickered from behind me.

"Get lost Brandon." Cassie hissed.

"As you wish, gorgeous." Brandon smirked.

I was about to slap that smirk off his face, but Cassie tapped me lightly, shaking her head.

"It's not worth it." She sighed, and I nodded in defeat.

I huffed and pushed up my goggles. I put another overloaded scoop of baking soda in, since most of the powder flew everywhere. I wrapped it up and Cassie dropped it in. After a few seconds, nothing happened.

"Give it some time I guess..." I mumbled.

Nearly an entire minute before Cassie and I got impatient, and the volcano wasn't about to explode any moment.

"Uhm, I'll put some baking soda and more vinegar I guess?" Cassie frowned.

"Sure, maybe that'll work." I shrugged, and poured some vinegar into the mouth of the volcano, while Cassie put some more baking soda in.

A few more seconds passed, and I was seriously contemplating whether we did it right or not.

"Did we do something wro-"


I opened my eyes, and both Cassie and I were covered in orange liquid. Froth spewed out of the volcano, nearly drowning the vinegar, baking soda and food colouring in a weird, amber substance. All heads turned to us, and it was pin drop silence. Cassie finally broke the silence and burst out laughing, and the whole class began laughing, even Mr Lambert joined in. I finally laughed too, but it was more of a soft chuckle. Mr Lambert walked over to us with cleaning supplies and a warm smile.

"You guys go get cleaned up, I'll clean this up for you guys. You can go to the wetroom, which is next to the art room, and it has all the things you need." He smiled.

"Thank you Mr Lambert." Cassie murmured softly, walking out of the room.

I followed her and we navigated through the everlasting hallways, until we finally arrived at the wetroom. Cassie quickly took both her goggles and glasses off, rinsing the froth off her face. I took the goggles off and rinsed them, when I realised something horrible.

I had to take my mask off.

I took my time washing the goggles and wiping the coat, but I hesitated to take my mask off. My hand lingered over the strap, shakily reaching behind my ear. Cassie turned to me, drying her face. She tilted her head slightly.

"Do you want me to look away while you take your mask off?" She asked, putting her glasses off.

I looked at her with surprise.

"Y-You would do that f-for me?" I stammered, taken aback.

"Well, yeah. I know we hate each other, but it doesn't mean we have to be rude to each other." Cassie shrugged, putting her glasses back on.

"Ye-Yes, um... can you please turn around?" I asked, and Cassie faced the wall.

I quickly took my mask off, wincing at the foam creeping behind my bandaid on my cheek where I got slit by a shard of glass, stinging the cut. I quickly washed the foam off my face and put my mask on.

"You can look now." I mumbled, putting my mask on.

Cassie turned around and smiled, before heading out of the room. I quickly caught up with her, huffing slightly.

"Thanks for that." I said, and she looked at me with confusion.

"For what?" She asked.

"For... You know, turning around." I said lamely.

Cassie shrugged and walked quietly. I felt a bit suspicious at how quiet she was. Sure, she was shy, but she was never this silent.

"Hey, you good?" I reached out to tap her shoulder, and she stopped walking.

"Huh? Oh, um... yeah, yeah, I'm fine!" She muttered absent-mindedly and began walking again.

"You're zoning out, what happened?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

Cassie sighed, then ran towards me and...

Hugged me?

I was startled for a moment, but I hugged her back. This was the first time I've been hugged in a while from somebody that wasn't Lily. The last hug I got from somebody else was from Callum, 7 years ago. I missed him like hell. I would literally kill myself just to see him in heaven, it's not like there's anything good in my life right now worth living.

Well, there is Lily...

Besides that, there's nothing in my life worth being alive. I remembered the words I uttered that gave me the scar on my hand.

"I would rather die than face this torture!"

The words rang in my ears. I had truly meant those words, but I never thought mum would stoop that low. Even if she did kill me, I would still be worried for Lily, who would have a murderer for a mother. If mum went to jail, what would Lily do? Get new parents? What if they were worse than mum?!

Cassie pulled apart and gave me a small smile.

"I dunno Blaze, you're hurt a lot, you're a victim of bullying, and you want to hide your face. I don't know how much you needed that hug, I don't know what you're going through, but I want you to know that I will be here for you." She murmured and began walking towards the classroom.

I stood there in the middle of the hallway, unmoving. I was stunned, completely shocked at what had just happened.

"Blaze? Are you coming?" Cassie called, breaking my daydream.

"Wha- uh, yeah! Coming!" I replied, jogging over to Cassie, who was waiting and smiling warmly.

Maybe Adair was right, I guess I can give her a chance...

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