Chapter 26: Science Class

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Cassie's POV:

"Good Morning class! Great to see you guys all settled into your dorms after that long weekend!" Mr Lambert chirped. "Get into your table groups, put your goggles on, and we'll get started soon!"

The class managed to settle quickly, but I fumbled with the goggles over my glasses. Lilia quickly brushed my hair off the sides of my face and nudged my glasses back to help me. I murmured a quick 'thank you' before diverting my attention to Mr Lambert.

"Now, we're going to have a fun lesson and it has something to do with experiments and chemical reactions!" He chuckled at our reactions.

"Great, we definitely want to mess up and get covered in froth." Blaze grumbled from beside me.

"Now, can I have a volunteer come up?" Mr Lambert asked.

Unsurprisingly, Aurora's hand shot up before everybody else's and she was called up. Adair stifled a snort at her bouncy nature as she walked up to the desk where there were different packets and a volcano diorama.

Ooh, I see where this is going...

"So, class, in case you haven't figured it out already, we're making an explosive volcano!" Mr Lambert explained. "Here, we have vinegar, food colouring and baking soda. Of course, we also have the volcano which our kind senior art students made for us. Now, all of you will get your resources here on my table and food colouring, which you will pick in a moment. You already have a few volcano dioramas here on your tables. Here, Aurora and I will demonstrate how to make the explosion."

I glanced at the ingredients, and quickly whacked Nixie's hand away from them after she made a failed attempt to poke the diorama. She shot me a humorous smirk and we both tore our eyes from each other to look at the front.

"Now, pour the vinegar into the volcano, and drop a few drops of orange or red food colouring in." Mr Lambert examined Aurora's actions as she followed the directions. "Next, we'll get a tissue and put some baking soda into it, then wrap it up."

Aurora obeyed and carefully scooped some powder into the tissue, and Mr Lambert wrapped the tissue around the powder. He raised his hand over the mouth of the volcano diorama and held his hand back to indicate Aurora to back away. He dropped the pouch and quickly stood back, watching the volcano carefully. In a few seconds, orange and red froth exploded from the mouth, spraying Mr Lambert and Aurora with foam. Aurora let out a squeak of surprise, wiping some foam off of her face as the fluid flowed over the table, dripping on the floor.

The whole class looked at the volcano, their jaws hanging, and the classroom was filled with excited whispers and chatter. Mr Lambert chuckled softly and raised his hand to indicate to stop talking. The chatter gradually died down and Mr Lambert beckoned for Aurora to sit down. Aurora went back to her seat, whispering excitedly to Nixie. I smiled to myself and turned to face Mr Lambert, who was wiping the foam off of his face.

"Can two people please come up and help me clean this up?" He asked, laughing to himself.

Again, Aurora put her hand up eagerly and Lilia raised her hand more slowly.

"Aurora, Lilia, thank you." Mr Lambert motioned his hand to come to him.

Lilia rose out of her seat slowly, but Aurora tugged on her hand excitedly and she nearly fell over.

"Oww! Aura!" Lilia hissed, clutching her side.

I giggled to myself, and Nixie nudged my arm. I looked at her and pointed at Adair, who had his eyes on Aurora. I raised my eyebrows and gave her a look that said, 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?'. She nodded and smirked.

"Alrighty everybody, it's your turn! You're probably wondering why there are extra volcanoes, instead of the 7 for 7 groups. Well, we're doing it as partners today!" Mr Lambert chirped, and the class erupted in loud cheers. "Don't get too excited! I'm choosing the groups!" Mr Lambert said quickly, and the cheers turned into 'aww's and groans.

Based on my luck, I'll probably end up with Blaze again.

"Alright, Blaze and Cassidy?" Mr Lambert began.


"Oh, no, sorry, Blaze and Cassiopeia?" Mr Lambert clarified.

Oh... My bad for thinking he wouldn't mess up my name.

I turned to meet Blaze's eyes, and surprisingly, they weren't filled with the same hatred I'm so used to seeing.

"Come collect your items and food colouring, then you can find an empty table and wait for everyone to get settled." Mr Lambert smiled and pointed to the table he was working on, which was half-covered in froth and bubbles.

I glanced at Blaze, who got up, and we made our way to the desk and collected our stuff. I handed him a mini bottle of food colouring and he murmured a soft thanks. I looked at him in surprise.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all...

Masked Truths: Book 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя