Chapter 12: Well Damn...

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Blaze's POV:


Shoot! I'm going to be late for art class!

I sprinted through the hallways, dodging people left and right, muttering 'sorry's and 'excuse me's under my mask, as if they could hear me. I quickly ran in the room, where Mrs Stevens glared at me disapprovingly.

"Blaze. You're late for class." She snapped.

"Sorry." I mumbled, then sat down in an empty chair in the corner, ignoring Cassie's cold glare.

I huffed, slumping in my chair, before I quickly readjusted my mask before anyone could see the scars hiding beneath. Mrs Steven's stare stayed fixated on me until I sat down, then she sighed deeply and stood up.

"Okay, class. Today, I'm going to be giving you all your partners for your term project. Now, if you don't know, remember, or came late to hear it." She glared at me with the last few words. "This project will be ongoing for the entire term, and if you don't like your partner, just deal with it, because sometimes we need to go out of our comfort zones. First, I will pair you up with your partner, then I'll explain your project. Understood?"

People murmured their 'yeses' and some people groaned, not wanting to land up with someone they hate. I was obviously part of the people who groaned. I didn't want to work with anybody at all.

"Stop your groaning." Mrs Stevens snapped, then began reading out names in her book. "Aurora and Adair, you will be partners. Lilia and Nixie, Mitchell and Liam, Brandon and James..." She droned on and on, and I waited for my name to be called out.

I sunk into my chair, spinning my pen around impatiently, until finally, she called out my name.

"Blaze and..."

Not Cassie, Not Cassie, Not Cassie, Not Cassie, Not Cassie, PLEASE Not Cassie...

".... Cassiopeia?"


I met Cassie's glare from across the room, and she looked as shocked as I felt. She probably didn't want to be with me at all. Probably? More like CERTAINLY. Cassie frowned slightly and turned her head to face Mrs Stevens, who was now explaining the project.

"Okay, when I explain, you'll see why this will take the whole term, since this is a huge project worth 75% of your grade." She announced.

My jaw dropped. 75%?! Great. Just great. Now I can't even chicken out from being with Cassie, or I'll fail and get stabbed by mum again for failing art. Cassie looked quite surprised as well.

"Now, your project is to make a meaningful sculpture out of whatever you like. However, it must have a deeper meaning to it. It can be made out of anything, popsicle sticks, Styrofoam, cardboard, wood, whatever you like! Both of you and your partner must also write an essay on what emotions your sculptures have and explain the meaning behind it. Both parts contribute to your final grade equally, so don't slack off on either part. Now, go and find your partner and get to know each other, you will have these partners for the rest of the semester." Mrs Stevens concluded, then signalled for us to go.

I groaned to myself and walked over to Cassie, who looked quite frustrated.

"Hey." She murmured.

I grunted in reply, not wanting to say anything, especially not to her. She sighed, then opened up her notebook, then scrawled down a few words. Once she finished, I leaned forward to see what she wrote. 'Art project planning' was written in small, neat lettering, with the date on the far right of the page. I felt a sharp jab in my shoulder, and looked up to see Cassie looking at me, her eyes slightly narrowed.

"So? Are we going to start planning?" She asked coldly, her gaze burning into mine.

"Mmm hmm, any ideas?" I asked, opening my workbook and writing a quick title, while she thought.

"Maybe we could make a hand, the tips of it are coloured gold, and the rest of the arm in trash, and something is pulling the arm into trash? So like, someone's bringing someone pure to the dark side?" She suggested.

"Woah woah, I can't cut out your arm and make it the trash part." I smirked, looking at the furious look on her face.

"Well, compared to you, I'm practically gold." She snorted.

"But at least I can turn myself into gold, unlike you." I replied smugly, doodling on my hand.

"At least I made it in this school on talent, instead of buying my way in." She snapped.

"At least I'm still smart." I snorted, rolling my eyes.

"Well at least I don't pick on people for no reason and call them trash." She practically yelled, and everyone's head turned to me.

"But you are trash though!" I hissed.

"In what way?" She snapped.

"Every way! Look way, smart way, attitude way, family way-" I quickly stopped, realising what I had just said.

Cassie looked at me with a hurt expression and stood up and slammed her hands on the table so aggressively that I jumped slightly. I saw her face and she looked like she was about to cry, then she stood behind her chair, roughly tucking it in, then walked up to Mrs Stevens, who nodded, and she walked out of the room, forcing her tears to stay in.

Now you've done it Blaze, great job, amazing.

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