Chapter 35: Confessions

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Adair's POV:

There was a loud knock on the door, and Liam opened it up. In front of him was Blaze, dressed in the usual black hoodie and cargo pants.

"Oh, hey Blaze! What's up?" Liam chirped.

"I'm fine." Blaze sighed, and gently pushed Liam aside to come in.

Liam looked at Blaze in confusion, then turned to me and mouthed, 'What's up with him?'. 'He's just like that.' I mouthed back, holding back a fit of laughter.

"Hey, uhh, do you guys have any kind of cream to help with rashes?" Blaze asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, getting up from the couch and heading towards the bathroom.

"Well, while I was donating blood to Cassie, I got an allergic reaction to the equipment, and I have a really bad rash now." He sighed.

"Yeesh, are you okay?" I frowned slightly, pulling out a cream from the cabinet.

"Yeah, but it kinda hurts." Blaze shrugged.

I handed him the cream and walked out of the bathroom with a smile.

I walked back to the living room where Mitchell was on a facetime with Nixie, while Liam was on his phone texting somebody with a small smile on his face.

"Ooh, who are you texting Liam?" I asked teasingly.

Liam quickly looked up and wiped the smile off his face.

"Nobody..." He replied nervously.

"Stop lying to yourself Liam! Who is it?" Mitchell laughed, and turned the phone so Nixie could see us too.

"Spill the tea man!" She said through the phone.

Liam groaned and bit his lip.

"Fine, I'm texting- Wait, Nixie, please don't listen, I just know you're going to tell her." He sighed.

"Her? Ha! I knew it! You have a crush on Lilia, isn't it?" I teased him, and Nixie's jaw dropped.

"Shut up, do you?!" She squealed, and Liam facepalmed himself.

"Who has a crush on me?" A familiar voice said from the phone.

Nixie covered her mouth and turned the phone to reveal Lilia standing at the door with a confused expression.

"Who has a crush on you?!" Aurora quickly ran into Nixie's room excitedly, and Liam went bright pink.

"Can you guys shut the hell up?" Blaze rolled his eyes in front of us, emerging from the bathroom and crossing his arms.

Mitchell turned the phone towards him again.

"SOMEBODY HAS A CRUSH ON LILIA AND WE NEED TO FIND OUT WHO IT IS!" Aurora screeched through the phone.

Blaze shot Liam a knowing look, and a small blush creeped on his face.

"Wait, Blaze, you know who it is?" Nixie asked, noticing the look on Blaze's face.

Thankfully, the camera was pointed to Blaze only and they couldn't see who Blaze was looking at.

"Duh, it's literally so obvious. How have you guys not caught it yet?" Blaze smirked and rolled his eyes, then took a seat beside me.

"Okay, screw that, Lilia, who have you just been texting before this conversation?" Mitchell asked them so that they could figure it out.

"Liam, why?" She replied, but then she realised and gawked.

"HOLD UP-" Nixie began, but then Aurora started to squeal like a pig.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom, bye-" Liam said in embarrassment and practically ran to the toilet.

"Is that true though?" Lilia asked, and Blaze rolled his eyes,

"Honestly, you guys are just blind as heck, I knew it from the start." He snorted.

"Dang, are you sure?" Nixie asked.

"I mean, he was practically smiling like a freaking madman when he was texting you." I snorted.

"Coincidence much? I like him too..." Lilia murmured, and the room erupted in loud cheers, completely drowning out Lilia's words.

Liam emerged from the bathroom with confusion.

"What's up with the cheering?" He asked in confusion, and Mitchell smiled.

"Congrats, the feeling is mutual." Nixie said, and Liam covered his mouth in surprise.

"You're kidding." He managed to say.

"Nope, It's true." Lilia giggled, and Liam just gawked.

"Welp, we're going to have dinner, bye!" Nixie said quickly, ending the awkward conversation, but a split second before the call ended, the girls began squealing like absolute lunatics.

"Okay, now that I've confessed..." Liam said, turning to me.

All of a sudden, all eyes were on me, and Mitchell gave me a knowing look.

"Oh, hell naw, I am NOT doing that." I said, raising my hands in surrender.

"Oh yes you are!" Mitchell smirked.

"Guys, give the poor kid some space. Let him do it when he wants. Besides, all this lovey-dovey stuff is just gross." Blaze snorted, getting up.

"Thank you! Jeez." I huffed.

Liam rolled his eyes good-humouredly and gave me a half smile.

"Okay, did that actually happen or was I daydreaming?" Liam asked.

"What happened?" Mitchell asked, pretending to be confused.

"Yeah, what happened?" I added, playing along.

"What do you mean?" Blaze frowned in confusion, but he realised what we were playing at. "What happened?" He asked, quickly covering up.

"Alrighty then, looks like I was seeing things." Liam sighed dejectedly.

I bit my tongue to hold back my laughter, and glanced at Mitchell, who looked like a literal chipmunk from holding in his laughter. He glanced at me sideways and we both burst into fits of laughter.

"Liam, we were kidding! That did indeed happen." I said between gasps of air.

Blaze rolled his eyes, but even with a mask I could tell he was smiling.

"Seriously?" Liam gave us a 'The hell is wrong with you guys?!' look.

He raised a pillow and pretended to hit us with it.

"YES! PILLOW FIGHT!" Mitchell exclaimed, grabbing the pillow closest to him.

I scrambled around my spot to find a pillow, but Liam had already whacked me on the spot. I let out a cry of surprise and quickly snatched Mitchell's pillow out of his hands and flailed it around, trying to hit Liam. Every swipe kept meeting nothing but air, until it hit something. I opened an eye to see what I had hit, but then Mitchell and Liam pounced on me.

"Wha-" I started, but Mitchell had accidentally whacked my face with a pillow.

I flung it off and tried to reach a pillow which was just barely out of my reach.

"Guys! Cut it out, leave poor Adair alone!" Blaze sighed exasperatedly.

I turned my head to see Blaze with his arms crossed, one hand raised and pinching his nose bridge.

"Oh come on Blaze! Why do you always have to ruin the fun?" Mitchell pouted, crossing his arms.

Blaze noticed the humour in his voice and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, who's up for pizza night? My treat." Blaze smiled.

"Now that's more like it." Liam smiled.

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