Chapter 32: The Claw-Clip

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Blaze's POV:

I got up from the toilet, flushing it and walking over to rinse my hands. I temporarily took my mask off, lifting the band-aid to reveal the cut below. It didn't look like it was about to heal very soon.

The cut was still scarlet red, and a tingling sensation aroused when the cut was exposed to air.

I sighed and washed my hands, letting out a soft cry of pain when the soap touched one of my other cuts.

After quickly drying my hands, I ripped the band-aid off harshly, opening the cabinet to find another one. I plastered it on my face and put my mask back on again. I opened the bathroom door, and was surprised to find Cassie in front of me, clutching onto the door frame.

"What are you doing?" I asked, but I accidentally made it a lot harsher than it was meant to be.

"N-Nothing, j-just f-feeling d-dizzy." She stammered, her face slightly pale.

"Oh god, do you feel like you're about to pass out again?" I asked with concern, remembering the first time she fainted.

"Y-Yeah, I feel like-" Cassie trailed off, and she fell to the ground.

She landed with a soft thud, and I quickly ran forward. I lifted her head gently.

I felt something wet.

I took a deep breath and drew my hand out shakily, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. I took a glance at my hand, and suppressed a shudder at the amount of scarlet blood on it. It flowed through the waves and ridges in my skin, settling in the creases in my palm.


"Guys! Get over here, now!" I called out urgently.

I cradled Cassie's head in my hands, blocking the wound in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding.

Liam was first to arrive, and he looked horrified at the sight. Cassie was completely unconscious and had gone pale. My hand wasn't blocking the wound very well, and blood seeped its way through my fingers and reached the carpet.

"Holy sh..." He trailed off, and I bit my lip, showing him my bloodied hand.

Aurora came shortly after, and she nearly let out a horrified shriek, but she clasped a hand on her mouth. Adair came with Mitchell and Liam, but their happy smiles turned into faces of horror.

"We need to call the ambulance; the nurse can't fix this." I said, still cradling Cassie's head.

Mitchell went pale and nodded wordlessly. I looked back at Cassie, breathing heavily behind my mask.

"I'll go notify the school." Adair added, sprinting out of the dorm.

"I'll go get a cloth to stop the bleeding as much as we can while it comes." Liam murmured, and dashed.

Aurora nearly broke down, tears streaming down her face. I placed a slightly bloody hand on her shoulder reassuringly, then looked back down at Cassie.

Hang in there Cassie, help is on the way.


I sat outside the hospital room anxiously, waiting for the nurse to call us in. Aurora was sitting beside Lilia, who was leaning onto her and nearly on her lap, crying her eyes out.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have brought her with me." Aurora hiccuped between sobs.

"Hey, hey, it's not your fault. Cassie passing out can't be predicted or controlled, and you didn't know. You didn't do anything Aurora; it's just how Cassie's body is." Adair reassured her.

"Exactly, and besides, she'll be okay." Liam agreed.

Just at that moment, the nurse came outside with a grave expression.

"The doctors have run some tests, done x-rays and check-ups, and we have found the problem." She sighed.

I sat up straighter in my seat, indicating I was listening to what she was saying. The nurse took off her glasses and glanced at her clipboard.

"I expect you all know what a claw-clip is, right?" She asked.

I frowned, but nodded.

What does a claw-clip have to do with Cassie's injury?

"Well, when Cassie fell, the impact landed directly on the claw-clip she was wearing, sending such force that it ended up digging through her skull, resulting in the excessive bleeding you witnessed earlier. She has lost a lot of blood, and we need some donors." The nurse explained.

Aurora stood up suddenly.

"Let me check if I'm a suitable candidate for the donor." She demanded.

"Very well, we're also testing her family, so please wait for a while." The nurse answered calmly.

As if to cue them, Cassie's family appeared and began walking towards us.

"Is she alright?" Eric asked worriedly, taking a seat beside me.

"We don't know, but when she fell, her claw-clip sunk through her skull. We need donors, and I heard they're testing her family first." I replied.

Eric shook his head sadly. "We have already been tested, none of us are matches. You guys will be next."

The words sank in my stomach, and Nixie looked at Eric with horror.

"Wait, I think my blood type is O-, that type can donate to all." I realised.

Eric beamed, and Aurora's sprightly spirit returned for a moment.

"Yes! We can save her!" She cheered, throwing a small victory fist in the air.

She quickly quietened down once she saw the nurse approaching.

"Apologies, but Cassie's family has already been tested, so who would like to go first?" She asked, and I stood up before anyone else could.

"I-I'll go." I stammered.

The nurse smiled sweetly, and beckoned for me to follow her. I began walking, giving the others a final look. From the corner of my eye, I saw Eric mouth to me:

Thank you.

Masked Truths: Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu