Gem Glow

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Present Day
3rd Pov

We see an overview of a town near a beachside and our view is once again switched to a store with a large donut on top of it with the name on the front of the store being "Big Donut" before we hear a loud yell echo from it

Steven: "Nooooooo!" Inside of the store we see the boy looking at his reflection in an empty refrigerator "This can't be happening! This has to be a dream!" He turned to the two employees in the store "Lars! Lars!" He ran up to the guy with the strange hair cut and pieced ears hugging the letters waist from behind "Please tell me I'm dreaming!"

Lars: "Get off me, man. I'm stocking here." He said as he walked holding a box as Steven laid on the floor while the blonde girl behind the counter spoke apologetically

Sadie: "I'm sorry, Steven, I guess they stopped making them." She leaned over the counter as Steven got up

Steven: "Stopped making them? Why in the world would they stop making cookie cats?" He looked at the fridge again "Their only the most scrumptious and delicious ice-cream sandwich ever made! Don't they have laws for this?" He said while on his knees with his arms spread out

Lars: he sighed and crouched by a self "Tough buts, man. Nobody buys them anymore." He started stocking the shelf "I guess they couldn't compete with Lion Lickers."

Steven: he walked up to the large fridge with a lion on it and groaned "Not Lion Lickers! Nobody likes them! They don't even look like lions! Kids these day - I'll tell you what!"

Lars: "Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don't you make some with you're magic belly button?" He said mockingly

Steven: "That's not how it works, Lars." He lifted his shirt looking at the gem on his stomach "Right?" Suddenly the door to the store swung open wildly and off its hinges as they two employee looked to see a red horned dark skinned and white haired male figure

Dragonstone Pov

I heard stevens scream and left the temple while it was being attacked by corrupted gems to go assist him with the danger he was in as i blitzed down the beach kicking up a large dust cloud before I made it to the "Big Donut" and opened the door accidentally breaking it off the hinges as I ducked by the doorway into the building

Dragonstone: "Steven! What's wrong?" I looked inside the store to see Steven standing by a small refrigerator

Lars: "What the heck, man! You broke the door! Steven, get your freakishly strong friend out of here before he breaks more stuff!" He yelled

Sadie: "oh...hey Dragonstone!" She waved and smiled

Lars: "Don't encourage him! The last time he broke the fridge handles! I had to screw new ones on for hours!" She said through clenched teeth

Dragonstone: "These materials are so brittle." I fitted the door back in place pinching the hinges back in place 

Sadie: "See, all fixed." She chuckled as Lars just stared with his jaw dropped and eyes wide

Steven: "Dragonstone! It's awful!" He hugged the gems leg "It's Cookie Cat! Their gone!"

Dragonstone: "The frozen confection? Those aren't very good for you." I say while looking down at the boy who's demeanour became distraught as he hugged the freezer and gave it a kiss causing me to sigh "May he take the freezer?"

Sadie: "Sure. We were just gonna throw it out anyways." She said with a smile as Steven became filled with joy as he unplugged the freezer and used the cord to form a strap which he used to carry the freezer and the two soon left "Come back soon you guys!"

Steven Universe: DragonstoneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin