Laser Light Cannon

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Actions and happenings
POVs and Timeskips

Dragonstone Pov

Pearl, Garnet and I were on the beach outside of the temple staring up at the red eye in the atmosphere which was getting closer to the earth while Pearl looked in her Telescope and Garnet and I looked straight at it

Garnet: "This is Bad." Dragonstone nods in agreement while looking up

Pearl: "Look at the size of it! I had no idea these things were so big!" She said while looking in a telescope

Dragonstone: "Amethyst and Steven are coming." I said while hearing footsteps and Steven's yelps

Amethyst: "Guys!" She came running while holding Steven above her head

Pearl: "We saw. Some of us are trying to protect humanity!" She said angrily with her hands on her hips "where were you?"

Amethyst: "Eating fry bits." She said as she put Steven down

Pearl: "Ugh." She said wit a face palm of frustration

Steven: "Can I see?" He stepped up to the telescope and looked into it "Whoa. It's a giant eyeball! Awesome!"

Pearl: "Not awesome, it's a red eye!"

Steven: "A red eye? It's going to infect us all!" He said in a panic with his hands on his head

Garnet: "That's pink eye Steven."

Dragonstone: "and there's a difference between viral infections and dangerous gem weapons."

Pearl: "It's going to crash into beach city, and crush us, along with a bunch of oblivious, innocent people! We have to stop it!"

Steven: "What are we going to do?"  He looked between them expectantly

Garnet: "The only things powerful enough to destroy it is a light cannon and a powerful gem." Dragonstone looked away with an uncaring expression "the light cannons belonged to Rose Quarts." She fixed her shades

Steven: "my mom?"

Amethyst: "if Rose were here and that powerful gem wanted to actually step up, this would be so easy." She said with a exasperated tone while Dragonstone rolled his eyes

Pearl: "I know, but their not. And the cannon is missing." She pondered while speaking "We'll have to find another solution."

Steven: "If it belonged to my mom, I bet my dad knows where it is." He said with his finger pointed up "He can help us save the day!" His eyes twinkled with stars in them before he spoke again "Huh?! Eh?!"

Pearl: she spoke hesitantly "Greg is...nice, Steven. But I doubt Rose would entrust someone like him with such a powerful weapon."

Amethyst: "Your dad is kind of a mess, Steven." She said as she put her hand on the young boys shoulder

Pearl: "Amethyst!"

Dragonstone: "It's true, the human lives in a van, I admire his attitude, though, he seems quite content with his living conditions." I cross my arms and close my eyes while thinking "If Rose did, in fact, leave the laser cannons wit Greg he either, broke, lost, or discarded of it."

Garnet: "True..." she nodded in agreement

Steven: "No way! I'm sure he is just keeping it somewhere safe. I'll go so him." He was about to run away but garnet took a few steps forward and spoke

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