Serious Devestation

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Dragonstone Pov

It's been two weeks after the accident at the board walk and we on a mission with Steven while travelling in the warp Garnet is talking to the boy while I was beside Amethyst with my arms crossed over my chest

Garnet: "Pay attention, Steven. This is going to be your first serious mission. You need to be ready." She looked at him

Steven: "Yes. I'm ready." He said while his eyes were twinkling "I'm so ready!" He was floating upside down in the warp stream

Pearl: "Steven, come on." She made him upright "You're going to make ourself sick." She pulled him toward her as his ukulele hit her in the face as she exhaled "Why did you bring that?"

Steven: "I don't know. I was excited and it's mine and I like it. What..." his ukulele floated up and he followed after it

Pearl: "Steven, get back here! You could get seriously..." they came to their destination in a large strawberry field "Hurt."

Dragonstone: "I've got him." I jumped from the warp causing a small gust and landed a small instance away as Steven flew out of the warp stream into my arms

Steven: "Hey. Thanks, Dragonstone!" He laughed as the gems approached them

Pearl: "Steven, are you..."

Steven: "I'm fine. I'm good, Dragonstone got me." Dragonstone dropped him as he fell into the strawberries and licked his arm "Ooh!" Butterflies swarmed him as he gasped before they landed on his face "Aah, they're in my eyes!" He ran up and down and waved his arms to scare them off before he fell and Dragonstone sighed before waving them away with his hand

Dragonstone: "They're just butterflies." I watched as he stood up and chuckled awkwardly

Steven: "Well, they looked a lot bigger when they were on my eyeballs." Amethyst laughed

Amethyst: "Steven, you're a riot."

Pearl: "I'm starting to have second thoughts about bringing Steven on this one." Garnet placed a hand on her shoulder

Garnet: "Shh. Just look at him." They looked at Steven who had his arms crossed while smiling smugly "Now, let's go recover the gemstone." She started walking with Dragonstone beside her

Pearl: "Unbelievable. This was once a gem battlefield. Now it's wild strawberries as far as the eye can see. Oh, that's what I love about the earth." She spun around and clasped her hands together "Maybe this will be a light mission after all." Garnet and Dragonstone stopped as she bumped into the latter as they looked at a strange upside down pyramid shaped object

Garnet: "Maybe not." She stepped forward and summoned a similar shaped object in a smaller form and placed it into the opening of the object before a door opened

Steven: "Whoa!" They walked up to the opening that formed and he ran up "Whoa!" He looked around inside of it in awe "Steven's the best!"

Echo: "Stevens the best!"

Steven: "Why, thank you, temple." He winked and smiled before running in

Amethyst: "You're a doof." She said while walking beside Dragonstone

Dragonstone: "Sometimes it's endearing in a way, though." I walked hole watching Steven run up to a pedestal and mess with a small upside down pyramid

Steven: "Hey, what's this thing? It's like a cool floaty triangle thing." Dragonstone shrugged while Pearl and Amethyst were looking away

Pearl: "W-whatever it is, you probably shouldn't touch it." Just as Pearl said this Steven touched in and Dragonstone was too late to stop him as the place started to shake "Seven! What have we told you about touching magical things?"

Steven Universe: DragonstoneWhere stories live. Discover now