Age gap

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Dragonstone Pov
Amethysts room

We were venturing through amethysts room filled with junk as I was walking at the back of the line and Pearl and Amethyst were arguing

Pearl: covering her nose "How can you live like this?!"

Amethyst: "It was find till you guys started whining." She said while makijg mouthing gestures with her hand

Pearl: "Whining?! The whole temple reeks!"

Steven: "I found it!" Picks up a silver object

Pearl: "What manner of magical alloy is this?" Steven unwrapped it revealing it o be a mouldy burrito

Garnet: "It's a Burrito."

Dragonstone: sighs "A very. Very old burrito."

Amethyst: takes it from Steven "It's the tuna burrito from Aqua-Mexican!"

Steven: "That place closed like 5 years ago." He said in disgust before amethyst bit it, Steven shuddered "Huh?" Walks over to a pile "What's this? It kind of looks like you guys and my mom."

Pearl: speaks excitedly "Oh, Steven, that is us!"

Steven: Pearl picked up the picture "Really?"

Garnet: "The hard part was getting the shark to pose. And Dragonstone to show show his face."

Steven: points at the portrait "Why is everyone dressed like old-timey people?"

Pearl: "They are old-timey people." Puts the portrait down

Steven: "W-wait. But that would old are you guys?"

Pearl: "Much older than any human." She said while they all stood together

Steven: excitedly "Does that mean you'll live forever?"

Dragonstone: "We don't age, but we can still get hurt and die, some of us harder than others." Points at Amethyst who turned pale grey before falling over "Luckily, that won't kill her. But she will feel everything."

Steven: "I jut can't believe you guys are like a bazillion years old!" He threw his arms up "How do you find a cake big enough for all those candles?"

Garnet: "We don't really celebrate birthdays" Dragonstone shook his head

Steven: gasps in shock "Why not?!

Garnet: shrugs "It's not our way." Dragonstone nods his head

Steven: "Well, I can't just ignore this tramesty of unjustice! I pledge that you will have your birthdays! With all the candy, cake, and ice cream you've been denied!" Amethyst throws up

Timeskip—same day
On the beach

Steven has us all on the beach sitting on chairs with balloons tied to them as he put amethyst on a thrown and put a crown on her head

Amethyst: "And the birthday queen is...Amethyst! I hope you like it. Dad made me this outfit and it brings me special birthday luck every year!" He turns on a toy mic and starts singing a birthday song but he was cut off by lion playing with a birthday had behind him "Hey! It goes like this." Puts on lions party hat as the animal starts trying to take it off

Pearl: "Um, Steven...I know you put a lot of effort into...putting faces on things, but could it be we're just a tad...mature for this ritual?"

Dragonstone: sighs "Also, why'd you put these head covering on my horns? And why are they cylindrical pyramids? I thought hats were meant to stop rain and sunlight from harming your fragile human bodies." Amethyst poked pearls nose with her party hat as they gem chased her

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