The message

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Dragonstone Pov

The gems and I were inside of the beach house while the wailing stone was giving off a distorted noise before Steven ran inside and I turned to him

Dragonstone: "Hey Steven." I had crimson red ear plugs generated from my gem in my ears

Steven: "What's happening!?"

Pearl: "It's the wailing stone!"

Amethyst: covering her ears "Make it stop!"

Pearl: "It just activated on its own!"

Amethyst: "It won't shut up!" Garnet placed it down and pushed the button on top of it with her gauntlet making it stop before she removed her gauntlet and the button popped up making it give off the distorted noise again as they screamed except for Dragonstone

Pearl: walks toward the wailing stone "Stand back." She bubbled it as it floated up "Huh? It worked! Now we can..." the bubble swelled up and popped as the wailing stone echoed again. Steven stuck his arm in it but the distortion echoed through his mouth

Dragonstone: "Try blocking the hole?" Garnet walked up to him and pushed him out of it before sticking a pillow inside of it, she then stacked pillows on top of it and innocently walked over to steen before placing him on top of the pile

Garnet: "I don't understand. That thing has lain do,and since we found it."

Pearl: "I haven't heard a wailing stone activate since we used the, for the rebellion. And I've never heard it sound like that!"

Garnet: "Someone is trying to send us a message."

Pearl: "But who? We've rounded up all the wailing stones on earth, and we're not sending this signal to ourselves! Unless..." looks to amethyst "Amethyst, is this a prank?!"

Amethyst: "No way! I want it to stop! I don't like it!" She gripped her hair

Garnet: "If it's not coming from earth, then a gem must be ending this message from space."

Steven: "Is that...what some gems sound like?"

Pearl: "No, no, we should be hearing a voice. Maybe this signal is too advanced for the wailing stone to process. That would explain the distorted audio."

Steven: starry eyed "Audio? My daddio knows audio!"

Dragonstone: "What are you all saying?" I still had the ear plugs in before garnet pulled them out "Oh, I forgot about those."


We were on the beach while Greg was rummaging around his van to transmit the message from the wailing stone and we were sitting on pillows

Greg: "I can't be,I've it! You need help with sound stuff? You've come to the right guy!" He grabbed something "Ah-hah! The Lubitz cardioid condenser 680! It's got warm tones without too much top-end."

Amethyst: "Uh, plus it's got a big honkin' sponge thing."

Greg: "I know! Isn't it awesome?" He pulled the pillow from the wailing stone as it shrieked and they flinched in pain while Dragonstone grunted in annoyance before he stuff the condenser inside of it and used his sound board "Now I'm gonna add some reverb and some low-octave effects. I'm also adding some fuzz, 'cause who couldn't use more fuzz? Now, if I directly input the wailing stone and run it through a flanger we might get what you're looking for. He started to produce a sound

Pearl: "Flangers aside, do you early thinking a signal like this is compatible with your analog devices?"

Steven: grabs a voice changing mic "Don't worry, dad." Changes his voice deeper "It'll work!"

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