Where to Go From Here

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3rd Pov

The gems were removing all the debris and destruction from the ship, most of it was cleaned up by now and they were just getting the smaller chunks of the ship cleaned up before the gems noticed Amethyst staring out at the ocean

Garnet: "Amethyst." She walked up to the gem and put a hand on her shoulder "Don't worry, we will find them."

Amethyst: "But why did he have to do it? He could have ran away and let Jasper get lapis instead..." she clenched her fists and jaw "Why did he give his own freedom up just for her..."

Pearl: "Amethyst, Dragonstone did it for all of us, not just Lapis. He wanted to do something that would keep all of us safe, even if it meant he had give himself up." She crossed her arms and stared out into the ocean "...Even if it meant it was the decision he knew we wouldn't like."

Garnet: "Dragonstone is a gem who's morals are comprised on the freedom of others, he fought for the earth for his and the planets freedom, he didn't want to be something the diamonds just saw as a weapon." She stares out into the ocean "We will get him back and if I know Dragonstone...he isn't making it easy for Jasper."

Steven: he smiles and steps in front of them shouting out into the ocean "Yeah, Dragonstone! You keep h,ding her back till we come get you, Okay?! Woo-hoo! Go Dragonstone!" He laughed and chuckled as the gems all stepped up smiling

Gems: "Go Dragonstone!" They all yelled and cheered

Deep In The Ocean

It's been a long time after the invasion. We see the ocean floor, deep and dark before a deep trench is seen as a roar escaped from it and a bright red glow radiates from the trench as a giant claw reached out from the trench but it was suddenly wrapped up by a crimson red chain

Unakite: "RAHHHH" Jasper "Let me go you ignorant, defiant failure of a weapon! I won't let you hold me hostage in our body!" Dragonstone "Keep trying all you like, I'm never letting you go." The fusion ripped one of the chains but another sprung from the chest gem to restrain it. Suddenly the gem looked up from the trench to see a silhouette descending causing Unakite to become them-self "What...Lapis!"

Lapis: she floated down but kept a safe distance from the fusion "Dragonstone? Can you hear me in there?"

Unakite: "No, it's just Unakite." They try to lunge at her with a snap of their jaws "Come a little closer, Lapis~"

Lapis: "Unakite?" She narrows her eyes "I'll tear you apart and take Dragonstone back." She clenched her fist and the water was as if it started to crush them but Dragonstone's gem gave off a glow on the fusions chest and he fought to gain control momentarily

Unakite: Dragonstone "Stop, Lapis!" Lapis ceased as her eyes widened before unakite gained control again "Ill shatter you for that! You little water bug!" They tried to grab her but more red chains held them back "Why are you doing this?! Why can't we just destroy this miserable planet together!"

Lapis: "Dragonstone...is this really what you want? To be stuck together with that monster? We can beat her together!"

Unakite: "Sorry, but your little Dragonstone and so-called monster aren't here right now. Call me Unakite you insufferable brat!"

Lapis: "I-I'll get the Steven! And the Crystal Gems! They'll know how to bring you back!" Unakite shattered the chains and roared, expelling a red shockwave causing the trench to split more

Unakite: "Don't go so soon!" They tried to grab lapis but once again the chains sprung from their chest gem continuing to wrap them up but Unakite continued shatter them "You annoying weapon! How are you able to constrict me!"

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