Family Meeting

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Dragonstone Pov

After the lapis incident I spent a few days inside of my cavern within the temple, thanks to the precious metal this world calls "gold" I'm able to hold my powers at bay a bit. I left the temple only to find Steven briefing the gems and his father on something

Amethyst: "Hey, DT! glad your back. Connie's parents want to meet us!" She laughs while Dragonstone sighed

Pearl: "You took quite a while to come out, you missed quite a bit." Dragonstone walked into the beach house sections

Dragonstone: "I heard everything that happened, Warp master." I looked at Steven

Garnet: "You're just in time, now Steven has a big brother." Dragonstone's face turned into one of regret

Dragonstone: "I should have stayed inside..."

Steven: "yeah! Now we can have a full on family dinner! Now I just have to choose one of you to be my mom for dinner"

Pearl: "I don't understand this dinner, we get all the energy we need from our gems.and while our human constructs are capable of eating I find it very uncomfortable. The only one of us who should be eating is Dragon....stone..." she looked at Dragonstone who had a face screaming "Please shut up"

Amethyst: "I love eating! Feels weird" scarfs down potato chips while garnet dusts the crumbs off her shoulder

Steven: "Now, which of you would make the best and most nuclear mom? Garnet, you keep us safe by scaring off the bad guys, just like a mom would. But you're not the best conversationalist. Amethyst, you would be a superfun mom!" Amethyst picked her nose while eating chips "Can moms be gross?"

Amethyst: pulls snot out of her nose "Why not?"

Steven: "Pearl! You always worry about me, you teach me lots of stuff, you're approachable, and you're, like totally not gross." They looks at Amethyst again while her nose ran and she kept eating chips "But, you can't eat dinner." He walked off to his father

Dragonstone: "this is gonna be a long day."

Steven: gasps "Why didn't I think of it before? It's so obvious! You can all come to dinner...all three of you, fused into one!"

Pearl: "What?!"

Amethyst: "Whoa!"

Pearl: "Steven, you know we only fuse in deadly situations!"

Steven: "Itd be I'm actually bringing my whole family." With a pleading expression

Amethyst: crossed her arms "That's insane."

Garnet: expressionless "Fusion is serious magic, not a trick for dinner parties."

Steven: sadly "I know. Then I guess this is it. I'll never get to see Connie again." Mock sadness "Oh, Connie! I'll never know a star that shines as bright as you." Fake sobbing. Garnet sighs

Garnet: "We have no choice."

Dragonstone Pov

Steven, Greg and I were riding on Alexandrite's shoulder toward the restaurant they were meeting at while Greg was wearing smart clothing and Steven had on a tie while I wore on of stevens shirts which only covered half my body. It didn't take long for us to arrive as Alexandrite stood in front of the parents of connie while Steven greeted them

Steven: while waving "Hi connie! Hi, Mr and Mrs. Maheswaran!" Alexandrite picked the three of them up and put them down

Greg: awkwardly "Thanks...honeybuns."

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