The Ruby Rangers

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We were standing and watching a Ruby pop out from the ship before Steven spoke out in confusion

Steven: "Ruby?" Garnet grabbed him and they hid while more ruby's made their way out of the ship and looked around the area

Goggles: "Now, where's the giant dragon that took us out?!"

Eye gem: "How can something so big disappear?!"

Steven: while hiding in the barn "Woah! Look at 'em all."

Peridot: "I knew it, they're after me! This is the need of the line.

Lapis: "You really weren't kidding."

Dragonstone: "Here I thought you were being a paranoid little creature." I crossed my arms and laid against the barn doors

Peridot: "I disobeyed a direct order from Yellow Diamond, and I called her a her face."

Pearl: rolled her eyes "Oh, honestly, you call everyone a clod." Dragonstone looked up

Dragonstone: "We need to get rid of them, they are ruining my day." I stood up from the ground

Peridot: "I do call everyone a clod, but not everyone has command over all the armies of homeworld waiting for the war to shatter me!" She ran off and hid under box

Dragonstone: I walked over and lifted the box "Why would I ever allow that?"

Peridot: while curled up "Haven't I caused you enough trouble?" Garnet came over

Garnet: "Don't worry Peridot. It's our sworn duty to protect anything that calls this planet home. That includes, clods like you." Peridot stood up and looked at the two tall gems

Peridot: "That's my word..." she whispered in surprise

Garnet: "I have a plan, or should I say..." she raised her hands to reveal her gems "...We have a plan." She chuckled before unfusing

Sapphire: "Hello, everyone."

Pearl & Amethyst: "Ruby! Sapphire!" They came closer

Steven: "Huuuugs!" She hugged the two gems

Sapphire: "Hello, Steven." She chuckled

Dragonstone: "It's been a while, you two." I waved

Amethyst: "So, what's the plan?" Steven let the two gems go

Sapphire: she looks to Ruby "You've got this. Just act casual." She kissed Ruby on the cheek

Ruby: punches her palm "Yeah, casual!" She walks out of the barn toward the other ruby's as they talk to each other and take not of Crystal gems Ruby but think she's one of them before she came back "They wanna search the barn!"

Steven: "We heard." All the gems nod in agreement

Dragonstone: I clench my firsts and summon my claws while lapis's wings sprout on her back "When do I start bubbling?"

Pearl: "Firstly, We saw. And secondly, no one's bubbling anyone."

Peridot: worriedly "I'm scared."

Amethyst: pulls out a bat "I agree with Lapistone. Let's ambush them!"

Sapphire: pops in "No one need to get hurt, let's be sensible." Looks to Ruby and approaches her

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