Fear of the Rain

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Dragonstone Pov

I was in the bathroom with Peridot again but this time Lapis was also in the bathroom looking around while Steven was using the bathroom, her and I were staring each other down once more before a knock is heard on the door from the gems out side

Garnet: "Open the door, Peridot. If this "cluster" is putting us in danger then tell us what it is so we can stop it!"

Peridot: while hiding in the bathtub "No! I hate you, I'm not telling you anything about the Cluster! And you can't make me, I have your PlanetBuster and Terraformer in my "Bathroom" and your Steven!"

Dragonstone: while leaning against the wall "At this point I'm tired of telling her we can leave when we want."

Lapis: playing with the sink "This place has water that magically appears when you move this mechanism? Incredible..."

Steven: "Do you guys have to be in here while I'm using the bathroom?"

Dragonstone: "Peridot can't be trusted, look at her..." stares at peridot who's shaking with anger in the bathtub "...That's the look of a very angry munchkin."

Amethyst: from outside the door "Come on, is the Cluster like a big hunk of...granola?"

Peridot: runs up to the door "What's granola?"

Pearl: "I'm sure it's not granola." Speaks into the door "Now Peridot, I'm sure we can reach some sort of agreement, perhaps a trade is in order?"

Dragonstone: sighs "Let's see what luck Pearl gets..."

Lapis: walks up to Dragonstone and leans on his shoulder "She's like a tiny Pearl." Chuckles

Peridot: "thinks "Oh sure! Why don't you just me back my leg enhancements and arm enhancements and my log and all my information! Oh wait, you destroyed them! So I don't think we can reach some sort of agreement!"

Dragonstone: the gems groaned "I told you." The toilet flushed and Steven walked up to peridot after watching his hands

Steven: "Okay, I'm done now." He opened the door and left as he stood outside with the gems before peridot charged back to the bathtub

Peridot: "You two are my prisoners! So stay there and do prisoner stuff!" Dragonstone and Lapis frowned making them seem terrifying to her "Eek! Or just stand there."

Dragonstone: "You are very stubborn for a gem so minuscule." I walk up to the bathtub as she squeals

Peridot: "Stay back!" Points a toilet brush at him "I'm warning you."

Dragonstone: "That's unhygienic and not very threatening." Sighs "How about we get to know each other better? And not want to kill one another."

Peridot: lapis looks over Dragonstone's shoulder at peridot as she narrows her eyes "Hmm. Fine!"

Garnet: "Dragonstone! Lapis! We're going to investigate this Cluster on our own, you two keep an eye on Steven and her."

Dragonstone: "If we must." Looks back at peridot "We can talk later." I stood up and walked out of the bathroom by carefully opening the door this time as Lapis followed behind me

Lapis: "Why do we need to watch her? She's harmless without her limb enhancers."

Peridot: from inside the bathroom "I'm not harmless!"

Dragonstone: I look at Steven "You need to eat."

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