By the Blade

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Dragonstone Pov
Beach house

It was raining today so Steven had all of us in his room watching a strange movie about sword fighting in foreign language, I was sitting on the bed, Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet were setting at the foot of the bed and Steven was sitting on my lap

Steven: "Oh, lonely blade, you so lonely." The men on the tv drew blades "What?! The janitor is the evil samurai president?! That's bananas."

Pearl: "Oh come on. It was so obvious. He's been mopping the background of every fight scene." Grabs the box the movie came in "Look. Here he is on the cover of the box."

Steven: "Oh, yeah!" The men on the tv started fighting each other "Go, lonely, go! Do the boomerang blade again!" Pumping his fists

Pearl: "Oh, come on. This is ridiculous. Just look at their form. This is nothing like real sword-fighting." They all shushed her

Steven: "it's just a movie, Pearl." Eats popcorn

Pearl: "Well, if you ever want to see a demonstration of proper sword techniques, I'd be happy to show you." A hand touched her head and she looked up at Steven who had stars in his eyes "Now?"

Short Timeskip
Pearls Arena

We were at pearls arena as she walked up to them while they were sitting on the seats which were just stone steps and listened to pearls explanation on swordsmanship for Steven

Pearl: "All right. In order to give a proper demonstration, I'm going to need a sparring partner." Steven stuck his hand up but Dragonstone pushed it down "Luckily, I have the perfect candidate right here." Her gem summoned a copy of herself

Steven: with wide eyes "Cool! Hologram Pearl!"

Amethyst: while floating on a cloud "Ah, geez." Pearl's hologram came to life as she began to fight each other with their swords as they got in a stance and Hologram Pearl attacked first by dashing forward and the two clashed causing a strong gust that blew Steven over

Dragonstone: sighs "This is going to take a while." The pearls clashed swords multiple times as they fought before they clashed again

Steven: "Go, pearl!"

Amethyst: "Go, Holo-pearl!" This distracted Pearl as Holo-pearl hit her sword from her hand and wen to attack Pearl but she slid under the strike and grabbed her sword before Holo-pearl came from above and attempted another attack but Pearl blocked and caused holo-Pearl to fly back before she stabbed Holo-Pearl causing her to roll and glitch before Pearl was declared winner

Steven: "Whoo-hoo! Yay, Pearl!" He ran up to Pearl as they spoke and pear put Holo-pear in training mode as she clashed swords to demonstrate to Steven who was ecstatic before he quickly got bored

Amethyst: "There she goes with the perfect training stuff." Laughs ad snorts

Dragonstone: "She needs to remember that his still a child." I watched as Pearl spoke to Steven before Holo-Pearl stabbed her through her stomach "Oh..." amethyst gasped

Garnet: "Oh no..." they watched as Pearl spoke to Steven before she exploded into a puff of white smoke as Steven started crying and picked up pearls gem

Steven: "Nooo! Pearl!"

Holo-Pearl: "Challenger defeated, level one failed."

Garnet and Amethyst: "Steven!" They knelt to him while Dragonstone stood in front of him

Steven: "I-I-I just a-and was trying to-..."

Amethyst: "Steven. It's okay, pearls gonna be just fine."

Steven: "Wh-what do you mean?" Looks to Garnet

Garnet: "Sometimes if our bodies are badly damaged, we release our physical forms and retreat to our gems to regenerate."

Steven: "So, she's gonna be okay?" Looks at Dragonstone

Dragonstone: "She just needs some rest. It happens sometimes, mostly to amethyst."

Amethyst: "Hey, I'm scrappy. What do you want?" Steven laughed

Steven: "So, how long will it take her to regenerate...5 minutes, 10 minutes?"

Timeskip—two weeks
Beach house

Steven has been caring for pearls Gem for a while now and Garnet, Amethyst and I returned in the warp to find Steven still watching over the gem

Amethyst: still floating on that cloud "What up?"

Steven: Sadly "He-e-ey."

Amethyst: floats closer to Steven "She still not done? Man, she's really taking her time with this one." Garnet went into her room

Dragonstone: "I'll be in my room, let me know if anyone is either in danger or dying." I walked to the temple gate as it opened and I came into my cavern as the temple gate closed behind me

Beach house

I came out of my room during the night to find Steven running away from pearls hologram as it tried attacking him with a sword as I summoned my claws and jumped forward, slashing through the hologram

Holo-Pearl: "Challenger, wins." The hologram stood in place before its body disappeared from the severe damage as dragonstone looked down at Steven as well as the destruction around

Dragonstone: "You okay?" I reached out to him but he flinched away from my claws before I withdrew them into my gem "Hey, it's okay." Chuckled softly "I'm not a hologram."

Steven: "Dragonstone! She destroyed the tv, and the house and I don't want to sword fight anymore." He hugged Dragonstone who pat his head before pearls gem started to glow and float up

Dragonstone: "Looks like you're time paid off, Steven." Steven turned to see pearls physical form regenerating

Garnet: "Steven, what's wrong? we heard fighting." She pulled the inflated amethyst inside the door as they watched her reform and drop to the ground

Steven: "Pearls back!"

Pearl:gasps "That's much better." Steven hugged her tightly "Ohh! Hey! Miss me much?"

Steven: he let go of her "Oh, man! I had this whole thing planned out for when you came back!" He ran off

Pearl: "Uh, Steven, what happened to you room?" Garnet walked up while holding amethyst "I don't even wanna know what happened to you."

Amethyst: "I got hit by a airplane!" Steven walked up with his shirt around his head and hitting a spoon on a pot

Steven: "Pearls back! Pearls back! Pearls back!" He kept chanting while circling them as Dragonstone sighed and walked to the temple gate

Pearl: "Steven, what are you doing?" Steven kept chanting and amethyst burped out out while Dragonstone entered the temple gate

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