Arcade Chaos

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3rd Pov

The Crystal Gems are treading through a crystal path minus Dragonstone. Garnet shushes the rest to be quiet

Garnet; "This way." Steven's jacket makes swishing noises as they walk together, which irritates Pearl.

Pearl: whispering "Ugh! Steven! This is a stealth mission! You're making too much noise! Take off the jacket!"

Steven: "Ugh, but, I don't wanna catch a cold." holds his jacket tightly

Pearl: "Then why are you still wearing sandals?"

Steven: looks at his sandals "I can be quiet. See? Stealth." sticks his arms out straight to avoid making the noise

Garnet: "We're getting close."

Pearl: "C'mon then." The Gems walk along, and Amethyst starts making noises that Steven's jacket makes.

Steven: turns around "Amethyst!" Amethyst keeps making the noise.

Pearl: annoyed "Steven!"

Steven: "It wasn't me." Amethyst is seen smiling. "Amethyst, you're making me look ba-..." The ledge Steven is standing on starts to crumble. "Aaaaahh!" flails arms around

Pearl: "Steven!"

Steven: straighten his arms "Stealth." Steven falls over the cliff and plunges into the darkness screaming, only to be caught by Garnet at the bottom. Garnet holds him close, when a Gem creature emerges a hole in the ceiling. It starts to shoot crystal spikes at them, which Garnet easily dodges.

Pearl & Amethyst: "Steven!" jumps down from the cliff

Garnet: "Stay down." sets Steven down on the ground

Amethyst: "Come on poofy." carries Steven up and runs off

Steven: "What about Garnet?" The Gem creature tries to hit Garnet with its outer arms but fails, as she somersaults and dodges the attacks.

Steven: "Go, Garnet, go!" Garnet reaches the Gem creature and parries every attack by its inner arms. She then jumps back as a dark figure lands on top of the creature and slams their red claws on top it's head. It explodes into a blue cloud, leaving behind crystal spikes, and Garnet emerges from the cloud with a spiky Gem in a bubble while Dragonstone is at her side

Dragonstone: "I hate bugs." He withdrew his gauntlets as they gave off a red glow and pulled into his gem

Steven: "Wow! They're so fast. Garnet, you're amazing! Dragonstone! How'd you even do that?"

Pearl: points to the ground "Look! The little ones didn't explode." The crystal spikes burrow into the ground. "They're drilling away!"

Amethyst: drops Steven "I got it!" dives into one of the holes, getting herself stuck

Garnet: "Let them go." sends the bubble away "They're just parasites. If they want to be a problem, they'll have to answer to me."

Steven: slowly stands up "So coool."

Amethyst: gets pulled out by Garnet "I swallowed a rock."

Location Beach City Boardwalk
Dragonstone Pov

We were back at beach city and Steven had brought us to the board walk. We followed Steven as we stopped at one point before he spoke

Steven: "We all worked so hard, we deserve a reward."

Steven Universe: DragonstoneWhere stories live. Discover now