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Dragonstone Pov

Lapis and I were on top of the silo together while she was explaining her story to me for the thousands time with the same frantic and desperate tone hoping for me to forgive her

Lapis: "So you understand, right? The only reason I was helping Peridot was because I wanted to help you, right?! Please don't hate me forever!" Dragonstone sighed

Dragonstone: "I don't hate you. I just wish you'd spoken to me first, it's not important right now since Yellow Diamond already knows." I look down "But...if she does end up coming here..."

Lapis: "They will try to control you again...won't they?" She looks worriedly at Dragonstone who looks out into the distance

Dragonstone: "If it did come to that, then I don't know what the outcome will be. I haven't had a command from the diamonds for over five thousand years" I look down and close my eyes

Lapis: "That's a really long time..." she leans against Dragonstone "But, we'll be able to do it together!" She smiles

Dragonstone: "Yeah...together..." I looked at her with a smile, but deep down I knew if it came to that, it'd be best if we left

Garnet: "You two." The two gems looked down at Garnet carrying peridot

Dragonstone: "Garnet?"

Garnet: she smiled "Good job." She walked off as the two gems stared in confusion before looking at each other and laughing

Lapis: "Is she always that...confusing?" She smiled

Dragonstone: "She probably knows something we don't...it will most probably make sense a bit later." I chuckled softly

Amethyst: "Yo! Lapistone!" She shouted the couple nickname she made them as they looked down "Come help me get in this tire!"

Dragonstone: sighs "Coming." I jumped down

Lapis: "Why are we putting you in a tire again?" She flies down with her water wings as they landed on the ground

Amethyst: "Cause it's fun!" She ran off while the two gems followed

Dragonstone: "Trust me, I don't even know why she does half of the things she does." We followed and Amethyst climbed into the tire

Amethyst: "Great! Now push me down the hill!" She laughs and snorts

Lapis: "I don't see the point..." she watches Dragonstone turn the tire upright and push it slightly as it rolled off

Dragonstone: "Amethyst will do anything that gives her a thrill." I crossed my arms "It's been like that since I met her. Well, since I met the version of her with a personality of her own."

Lapis: "Yeah, you've known the gems your whole life right?" She frowns "So how long were you...you know, a weapon?"

Dragonstone: "Well, I had one battle and after that I spent a long time with Amethyst before I was found by Steven's mother, she gave me free will, she's the reason I am the gem I am today, and why I stand by my morals of freedom." I smile softly

Lapis: "She must be really important to you then..." she looks away and rubs her arm "And here all I ever did was tell you what to do and fuse with you..." she chuckles softly and awkwardly

Dragonstone: I frown "You do know you don't have to compare yourself to her...sure, Rose Quartz helped me find freedom, but even then I didn't know how to properly be independent. You were the one who taught me how to even take my own feelings and thoughts into account." I reach forward and move her hair from her face

Lapis: she blushes and pushes his hand away to do it herself "Thanks..."

Amethyst: "Whaaaa!! Cliff!" Dragonstone and Lapis look to see the tire rolling in the distance

Both: "Amethyst!" They ran after the rolling tire

Timeskip—a few days later

I was at the barn helping to pick up the drill while Pearl welded it before Peridot popped in from under me and stared up at me for a long wild, she's done this for a while now where she will just stare silently at me

Dragonstone: "Yes?" I said to her while Pearl welded

Peridot: "You and the Lapis spend far too much time together, it is time I partake in this." She says seriously

Dragonstone: "What?"

Peridot: "You and the Lapis are constantly around one another and when you are not she is constantly watching you, are you incapable of being left alone due to your power, or does the Lapis see you as incapable?" She says with her hand on her chin

Dragonstone: "You are talking about me and Lapis spending time together?" I put the drill down as Pearl walked off. I looked to Garnet who gave a thumbs up as I looked back down "It is what humans call...a relationship."

Peridot: "Relationship?" She hummed in thought "Ah-hah! When you two fuse correct?" She smirks "Like the perma-fusion, or Garnet, the two of you show your feelings for each other through fusing." She chuckled

Dragonstone: "Uh...you could say that..." I sighed "But also, no. Me and Lapis fuse as a form of expressing our love. It's not like Garnet, because Garnet stays fused."

Peridot: "Ah, so you and the Lapis are not in the same kind of courtship that Garnet is in. But even the Pearl and Amethyst fused! So..." She paces a few times in thought before stopping "Okay, you can fuse with me." Everyone went silent as Pearl dropped the welder on Garnet's foot

Garnet: "Ow."

Dragonstone: "I beg your pardon?" I narrowed my eyes at her

Peridot: "Yes, yes, I know,it's shocking. Me, the great Peridot allowing you to fuse with me, but don't worry, I will allow it." She smiles before a water droplet falls on her head "Hah?"

Dragonstone: "You made a mistake." I looked up to see Lapis holding up a giant water sphere

Lapis: "Move."

Dragonstone: "As you wish." I jumped back and landed a few feet away

Peridot: "What? Why's he moving?! What's gonna happen?!" Lapis pointed down at Peridot as the water came down on the small gem like a waterfall causing her to be forced into the ground

Lapis: she landed on the ground gracefully "I to,d you I was watching you. Come near him again and I won't be as merciful." She said menacingly while peridot spat water from her mouth

Peridot: while dazed "Understood..."

Garnet: gave a thumbs up "Good job."

Timeskip—later that night
Peridot pov

She was in the barn, pacing around with her tape recorder as she was taking down another log and watching Dragonstone and Lapis outside of the barn together

Peridot: "I have learnt about "relationships", apparently they are very closed things and you can't interfere with them. Fusion is also a form of expressing "love" and "Trust" to them, which I find incredibly stupid. The Lapis attacked me today, she seemed to be very territorial over the Dragonstone."

Steven: "Peridot, what are you doing?" He said from on top the loft while watching tv

Peridot: "Nothing!" She went back to her log "I will make sure of one thing though, I will be part of this "relationship". It is incredibly unfair that they can partake in fusion a with the Dragonstone and I cannot." She frowns "Also, the Dragonstone displayed utter disgust to my offer! Who would not want to fuse with me? I am the most fuse...fuse-able! Yes, fuse-able gem out there!" She growls

Steven: "I'm gonna play he episode without you!" He yelled teasingly

Peridot: "No! Wait!" She put the recorder back to her mouth "I will make the Dragonstone fuse with me! Peridot out!" She stopped the recording and ran off. Outside Lapis and Dragonstone were together while watching the view

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